Monday, June 1, 2015

Slideshows due before class on June 10

SLIDESHOWS ARE DUE BEFORE CLASS ON WED JUNE 10, anyone handing in past this time will lose 10 presentation marks out of 50. All other assignments are due on Mon. June 15. No exceptions!

Please see the list of assignments below. Your priority should be on your slideshow. If you are having trouble being able to get music on your slideshow try the following.
  • use a different you tube to mp3 converter
  • try an older song, one that is not super popular
  • try a non vevo song, one that has not been posted by the artist
  • bring your music from home on a jump drive
Remember the music must be in mp3 format, and if you download, it should be moved into the My Music file.

Remember to render your video, this means moving it to a movie file (wmv) not wp3 which is the working file.

When finished copy and paste to to my blue jump drive under the file that says :

gr10video2015A or gr10video2015B

If finished everything and looking for a challenge, head over to the advanced site and have aloof at the conceptual assignment. Try typing in conceptual photography into google and have a browse at what comes up…throw a couple of these up on to Flickr to WOW me.

Also do not forget to put your top photos ( as many as you like) onto the Blue drive.


That is is for today.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Light Photography

In this photo assignment, your task is to play with light. You do not need to take any specific shots but rather 5 shots that showcase some experimentation with light photography. I am including a few links to articles and videos for you to read. As well, I will post the basic manual settings to work with light photography.

Settings: In manual mode
ISO: 100 or the lowest you can get
Exposure between 13-30 sec.
Aperture: start at F11

Awesome how to video
How to shoot light trails

Monday, May 4, 2015

Assignments for term #4


Macros shots: Shots should be in focus, of interesting subject matter, background blurred, have a focal point, be taken of an object close-up. Post to Flickr (10 shots=20 marks)

Water shots:  shots are clear and interesting, make sure you are following the rules of composition.These shots can be anything water...puddles, drips, drops, bodies of water etc. Post to Flickr  (3 shots= 10 marks)

Duplicity: Four shots are taken in the same environment using a tripod. You are then to edit all four shots into one photo using Photoshop. Post to Flickr ( 1 shot = 20 marks)

Light Photography Experimental: You are to take 5 shots using light as a focal point. This might include bokeh, light trails, or long exposure night sky shots. We will go over how to shoot long exposure shots and I will post up the camera settings for this assignment. Post to Flickr (5 shots=20 marks)

Final Slideshow: You will be creating a slideshow set to music. I have reduced down the number of photos required in the slideshow to 40. The shots should be your absolute best work and should reflect a combination of photographs. What not to do...take 40 flower shots or 40 portraits or 40 skate park shots....mix it up and show me variety. ( 50 marks) DUE on JUMP DRIVE WED JUNE 10

This slideshow will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of photography which includes, clarity, composition, choice of subject matter
  • A variety of styles of photography, editing work etc
  • Choreography which involves timing, transitions, photo order, and connection to music
  • Overal impression based on the feeling created from the slideshow, artistic nature of the work, experimentation, and general wow factor

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday April 27

Students should complete the following 2 assignments today before they go out to take any other assignments. The first assignment is a written one and should be handed in to the TOC today in order to receive full marks for the assignment.

Monkey Selfie: Monkey Selfie… who owns the photo rights?

Link to this article, read it, and respond in writing to who do you think should own the rights to the monkey photo. Feel free to do a little more research if you need to. Make sure you can back up your ideas with some solid reasons for your argument. Length: 1 paragraph, typed and handed in.

Next, check out the following links on Light Photography.

Light Painting #1

Light painting #2

video #1

Video #2: A different type of light photo

Please do not go out and try this today, I would like to discuss how to do this before you begin. If you finish all of this work today, you may work on the following:

Duplicity Assignment: 4 shots of one person in the same location, use a tripod and shoot the same distance away from your subject.
Macros: Shots 10
Water shots:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ms Chase away this afternoon

Students should be working on the following in this order:
  • Any photos needed for term #3 which is due this Friday
  • Macros/close-ups 10 shots (20 marks)
  • Duplicity, to be shot with a tri-pod and edited in Photoshop. You must have a minimum of 4 shots in the scene. See the sample on this website
  • Choice water shots: This can be anything water focused including water droplets, bodies of water, rain, puddles, glasses filled with water etc. 5 shots (10 marks)
  • Continue to take photos for your slideshow

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The following work is due for term #3 by Friday April 24

Assignment #1: Two head shots that are clear, in focus, up close with a clean background. These pics should be of 2 different people. (edit and post to Flickr) 10 marks

Assignment #2: Three shots of textures, shot face on and fill the frame.( edit post to Flickr) 10 marks

Assignment #3: Choose an element of composition and shoot three pics which show this element.
Ex fill the frame...make sure all shots demonstrate this concept. (edit and post to Flickr) 10 marks

Assignment # 4 Overlay two photo layers, one photo has to be your own photo, You only need to do one overlay for this assignment (10 marks)
Assignment #5 Head switch, switching the head of one person with the body of another. One of the photos needs to be one of yours. Print out and hand in (10 marks)
Assignment #6 3 shots using red as a focal point, you can spot colour, but you do not have to.
 ( 10 marks)
Assignment #7 3 cloud shots...should look different each time you shoot the clouds (10 marks)
Assignment #8 Filter shot: Using the filters in Photoshop, take one of your photos and turn it into an artistic piece. Please post both photos so I can see the changes made. Also do not just use one a bit to make the photo interesting. (10 marks)

Portraits: 10 portraits choose 2 models and shoot 5 pics of each, mix up the poses and make sure you get some full body shots.VERY important to keep your background clean. ( 20 marks)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3 new assignments

Overlay two photo layers, one photo has to be your own photo, You only need to do one overlay for this assignment (10 marks)
Head switch, switching the head of one person with the body of another. One of the photos needs to be one of yours. Print out and hand in (10 marks)
NEW: 3 shots using red as a focal point, you can spot colour, but you do not have to. ( 10 marks)
NEW: 3 cloud shots...should look different each time you shoot clouds (10 marks)
NEW: 10 portraits choose 2 models and shoot 5 pics of each, mix up the poses and make sure you get some full body shots.VERY important to keep your background clean. ( 20 marks)
NEW: Filter shot: Using the filters in Photoshop, take one of your photos and turn it into an artistic piece. Please post both photos so I can see the changes made. Also do not just use one a bit to make the photo interesting. (10 marks)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thurs. Feb. 26

I am away today, please respect all of the rules and guidelines we have discussed when out of class taking photos and using cameras. Today is the last day to borrow any of the cards from Ms Chase unless you forget to bring your card every once and a while.

Please continue work on the following assignments in the order that they are listed.

  • finish up shooting assignment 1,2, and 3, and edit any of these photos in Pixlr, Pic Monkey or Photoshop for cropping and lighting. When finished upload to Flickr and organize into albums
  • make sure you have a buddy icon (pic of yourself) on Flickr, and you have made Ms Chase a contact, You need to make sure all of your photos remain open for public viewing so I can see and mark them
  • Spend some time on the editors playing around with photos so you can see how the different editing elements work. It is important to know how to use all three editors since some work better for different kinds of editing
NEW ASSIGNMENT: shooting colour 3 red shots. In this assignment, your focus in the shot is red. You should use a predominant red colour and make it your focal point. (Stay out of the red paint in the art room for today) but other items might work like pencil crayons, crayons, people's shirts, lipstick, an apple, a hat, stop sign…sometimes when you look, you might find red in the most uncommon places. You are focusing on colour in this assignment, but do not forget the other elements of composition when taking photos. Remember our goal is to get clear, in focus shots. ( 10 marks)

Check out the camera simulation on the Advanced Photo site if you have time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Welcome to Photo 10

Hopefully you are super excited to be taking Photography and this is a class you wanted.


Assignment #1: Two head shots that are clear, in focus, up close with a clean background. These pics should be of 2 different people. (edit and post to Flickr) 10 marks

Assignment #2: Three shots of textures, shot face on and fill the frame.( edit post to Flickr) 10 marks

Assignment#3: Choose an element of composition and shoot three pics which show this element.
Ex fill the frame...make sure all shots demonstrate this concept. (edit and post to Flickr) 10 marks


Advanced Photo

Link to Online Photo Editors
Pixlr Express

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The following is a list of assignments that are due by Friday Jan. 30

  • 3 Overlays on Flickr, all base photos must be your own 20 marks on Flickr
  • Duplicity 20 marks on Flickr and printed out to be put on the wall
  • Motivational Poster 10 marks on Flickr
  • 6 Portraits using only 2 people 15 marks on Flickr
  • Camera test 5 marks
  • Slideshow 50 photos on Ms Chase's jump drive 50 marks
Total Marks: 130. All work is due: Mon Feb 2 and should be posted up onto Flickr in albums.  Slideshows will be presented on Jan 29/30 in class. Any questions or concerns, please speak to Ms Chase.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Getting ideas for your Slideshow/ New Assignment

Inspirational ideas for shooting for your slideshow

  • focus on a colour and go out and find objects that fit into that colour (check out colour groups on Flickr) You may even want to do some editing of spot colour
  • shoot antique objects, I find old things just interesting to look at so they would make great photos
  • shoot what you love, if you love soccer or dance or skateboarding, spend some time shooting what you know like your dog or cat or horse 
  • If you enjoy photoshop work, try checking out some trick photography lessons on you tube...have fun!
  • check out pinterest photography site for inspiring ideas
  • choose a favourite object and shoot it from a variety of angles
  • try finding letters in basic objects
artistic letter photo

NEW ASSIGNMENT: Motivational Poster using your own quote or a favourite quote and your own photo. To be put onto Flickr in its own album. ( 10 marks)

Motivational poster generator