Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Term 2 Photo Assignments so far


1. Duplicity: On Flickr and on M:drive, under chase 2020/gr10 duplicity (20 marks)
2. Instagram response typed, handed in to Ms. Chase (10 marks)
3. Head swap or Portrait landscape: 1 shot on Flickr or handed in (10 marks)
4. Levitation shots: 2 shots on Flickr (10 marks)
5. Macros/Close up shots: 10 shots (20 marks)

6. Final Slideshow: Edited, best quality photos, 30 shots, 10 of these shots can be from assignments we have done in class.,the other 20 should be your choice but should be very high quality, edited and not similar to other shots and set to music. (50 marks)
7. Studio Skills; time on task, helping others, self-responsibility, best effort, creativity (10 marks)

Getting ready for your final slideshow

1. Create a folder on the l:drive or m:drive that says, final slideshow
2. Begin scanning through your photographs, to find your good quality photos and copy/paste them into the slideshow folder. 
3. Edit these photos: mostly crop and lighting editing
4.  Find a song that you want to use for the slideshow, it needs to be an mp3 ( go to You tube, and then drop the song into a you tube to mp3 converter.) then save on your l:drive under my music
5. Go out and take photos for the slideshow or take the camera home to get a better variety of photos.
6. Begin putting your photos into the slideshow program Photo story, or use i movie if you have it on your laptop or home computer.
7. Make sure you take the time to customize the motions on Photostory

Friday, November 22, 2019


how to shoot a levitation photo

video on how to take levitation photos

A reminder, you could always hang an object with fishing line and then edit out the fishing line.

Check out the following link:

levitation photos

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Photoshop Edit NEW Term 2

Any students who were not in grade 9 Photo last year will complete a head swap. Student who did this assignment will do a portrait-landscape overlay.

Photo Overlay: See the following samples to help you get ideas. Feel free to play with the opacity and lighting in Photoshop.
sample overlays

Editing Assignment NEW

1. Find/or take photo of a person. If using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, famous model or celebrity) no animals or cartoons.

2. Bring in both photos to Photoshop. Go to IMAGE, ADJUSTMENTS, IMAGE SIZE and change the photos to both be close to the same size. If one is way bigger than the other it will be difficult to do the assignment. While under ADJUSTMENTS, you can also change both photos to BLACK and WHITE.
3. Next go to the SELECTION TOOL, and using the tool, move the tool around the head of one of your photos, then click on EDIT CUT and go to your next photo.

Note: It is probably more interesting to put the student head on the celebrity body, but it does not matter which head goes where. Also if you do not have a head shot that works for the swap, simply go out and take a shot of someone in a similar pose and distance away from the camera.

4.When on the next photo, click on EDIT, PASTE. This will put the head on the page. Then to resize the head, click EDIT, TRANSFORM, SCALE. This will put a box around the photo and allow you to change the size of the head, you can also slightly rotate the head if you go to ROTATE under TRANSFORM tool.
5. Then you want to tweak the image by moving into place with the pick tool, or use the eraser tool to clean up the edges.

Note: SAVING the file: If you need to continue working on the head swap, save as a Photoshop file so you can come back and work on the image. It is always a good idea, to save your edited photos as Photoshop files as a backup in case you need to go back and make changes. However, if you think you are done you can save as a JPEG and then print out the assignment, put your name on it and hand it in.

Criteria for this assignment: Looking for a clean transition, not warped but looking accurate, limited blurring to make the face/hair work. If I cannot tell it has been photoshopped it is a 10/10. Good Luck.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Editing the Duplicity Shot

Step by Step Instructions for Duplicity Shot ( 4 shots in one)

1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos.
2. Photos should be labelled: Original, Photo1,2,3.
3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to.
4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to.
5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected.
6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo. It will not be exactly where you want it...so go to edit/transform/scale or move, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately.
7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3
8. When finished save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. The jpeg version can be posted to Flickr.

Understanding Copyright


Read the following article, Instagram Photos sell for $90,000 and discuss as a class. You are to complete a written response to this article a half to full page 12 pt  font which will be marked out of 10.

I am interested in knowing what you think about the situation...fair? unfair? illegal? immoral? unethical?crazy? does it make you angry? were you aware of Instagram's policies? Back up your ideas with examples from the article or do some further research on the topic of copyright. Below is the article and other links about copyright.

Instagram Photos sell for $90,000

Who owns the Instagram photos?

10 things you should know about Instagrams terms

Top 10 photo copyright disputes

If finished early, you can spend time editing and or organizing photos...getting rid of any poor quality photos you have uploaded onto your L or M drive.