Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Term 4 Assignments

Congratulations photo students, many of you are improving in your ability to take photos. I was impressed by some of the spectacular shots you are taking. I would like to start posting some of these shots onto the blog so everyone can enjoy the quality of your work.

Yearend Photo Slideshow Expectations

The slideshow needs to have 50 shots, and these shots should be a compilation of your absolute best work. The slideshow should not include more than 10 shots taken before this class or as class assignments. This means, I DO NOT want to see a slideshow that is made up of all your class assignments. You are expected to go out and shoot new shots.

Criteria for Marking
  • All shots are clear not blurry
  • There is a variety of different shots showing depth of skills
  • Photos have good compositional qualities as does the slideshow
  • All shots are sized properly, so they are not pixelated in the slideshow program
  • Photos are cropped/edited appropriately
  • Music chosen is appropriate (avoid swear words and derogatory terms) and fits with the photos
  • Transitions are matched to the music
  • The slideshow shows evidence of flow and progression of shots
  • Evidence of time and effort spent on this project
  • WOW factor: Which is a combination of great photography and great choreography of slideshow

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ALL WORK NEEDED FOR TERM #3 deadline: April 9, 2011

Assignments Term 3

1. Skatepark shoot (10 shots): All shots should be taken in or around the skatepark. Five shots should be focused on angles and 5 shots should be focused on people. ON FLICKR 20 marks

2. Yearbook shots: Five shots focusing on gym, shops, grade 10/11's, rugby, assemblies, friend shots around the school, and intramurals. ON FLICKR 10 marks

3. Macro shots: 5 colour, 5 black and white. ON FLICKR 20 marks

4. Photoshop Magic Wand tool assignment (handed in ) 10 marks

5. Background Assignmnet (NEW): You are to shoot 5 different backgroud shots, focus on texture 5 shots. ON FLICKR 10 marks

6. Hands, Feet, Shoes (NEW) : 10 shots, be creative and try to artistically set up your shots. This means have your hands and feet holding something, or doing something, or try photographing old hands, baby hands etc. ON FLICKR (20 marks)


Please maake sure all of your photos are in sets on FLICKR and that you have included me as a contact!!!