Tuesday, November 30, 2021

You should be working on...Mon Dec 13

Assignments in order of priority:
  • Portraits: 10 in slideshow set to music for 30 marks slideshow is worth 10 marks DUE DEC 14/15
  • Levitation: 1 Photo: 10 marks
  • Overlay: Background photo, plus one of your own put together into a new shot: 15 marks
  • Light photos: 10 photos see  below 20 marks
  • Final Slideshow, 30 shots of your best work 50 marks. Use your time to edit, weed through to find your best photos for your final slideshow. Put them in a folder.
Program for transferring videos from home use: https://wetransfer.com/ ( free program) to email to me at school. This way you do not lose quality.
To download music try : Onlinevideoconverter.pro

If you are done everything, you can move onto light photography. Read instructions and watch video first.

LIGHT PHOTOS ASSIGNMENT: You are to take 5 light photos experimenting with manual settings (slow shutter speed). I would like you to try to use photoshop to edit and maybe combine a few photos together. Try different effects so that all photos do not look the same.This assignment focuses on creativity in creating and editing. Marks 10 

 Here are some helpful bits of information to help you with Light Photography. 

SETTINGS: Make sure camera and lens are on manual. Move settings to the following:
SHUTTER SPEED:10 sec- 30 sec

Light sources: flashlights, phone lights, finger lights, sparklers, sparkle/fairy lights.
Space: anywhere where you can get as full darkness as possible. But you could experiment in any light, even if not fully dark. The back photo room in the Art room can be used. IF USING THE DRAMA ROOM, YOU ARE ONLY IN THE CHANGE ROOM WITH PERMISSION from me or MR Smith. NO ONE SHOULD BE ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE DRAMA ROOM.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Term 2 Assignments we are working on

 Here is a list of the Term 2 Assignments we are currently working on...no deadlines yet.

Levitation: One shot  10 marks

Overlay: One very creative shot using at least one photo you have taken 15 marks

Portraits: One model preferred 10 shots. Including a variety of head, and full body shots, focus on eye contact and clean backgrounds. To be put into a slideshow set to music. 30 marks

Thursday, November 18, 2021

New Assignment : Overlay

Overlay Assignment to be done on Photoshop. The purpose of this assignment is to try to use Photoshop tools to create an artistic photo. The idea is to combine two or more photos together to do this. At least one photo needs to be yours.

Criteria: Make sure you use photoshop to put the two photos together. Play with the lighting tools, and opacity to get the look you want. When happy with your photo, save it as a jpeg in your student file on the Mdrive. Marks: 15

See examples below, if you missed the lesson on how to do this ask Ms Chase to show you again.

Friday, November 12, 2021


Working with 1 or 2 models of your choice, you should plan to photograph portraits. You will need 10 different shots of your models. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props, gels covering the lights etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This should be part of getting ready for your assignment.

This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Mdrive and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow, set to music for viewing. If you do not meet the deadline for the slideshow, you will receive a zero for the presentation portion of the assignment.


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
  • shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
  • get out and shoot when the weather is good.

You should research posing and plan your models and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. All portrait photos should be edited for cropping and lighting. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse,  storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in the art room ) 

To get 10 really good photos you might need to take upwards of 40 shots of your model.

How can you make your photos extraordinary? Be inspired by Von Wong, a Vancouver based photographer.

Monday, November 8, 2021

  NEW assignment:

Levitation: You are to take a photo to look like you are flying or floating. Then you are to bring it into Photoshop and either use the select/cut/paste option or erase out the stool etc You can always choose to put it onto a new background.

Marks 10: Criteria: make it look as realistic as possible. try to be creative in your photo choices, clear focus.

levitation photos

If you missed this lesson, get Ms Chase to show you how it is done.