Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welcome Back!

This year, Mr.Green will be taking over the Photo 10 classes. Many of the the assignments will be the same as they were in past years. Students will continue to develop their skills in Photoshop, basic composition, and specialty techniques like light photography. Mr. Green has a good skill set when it comes to Photoshop, and as always we learn as a group. When someone learns how to do something in Photoshop, they are expected to share their knowledge with the group.

Hopefully, you were all out taking amazing photos this summer. For those of you who have taken Photo 9 please take some time to update your Flickr. You will need to make Mr. Green a contact, change the date on your account to F102016, and make sure you put all of your old photos into a set. For those of you who are new to Photo 10 you will need to set up a Flickr account. You will need to record your password in a place you can retrieve it, create a buddy icon, your user name should be your real name and include F102016, and make Mr. Green a contact. Hope you have a fantastic semester.

YOU WILL NEED TO GET AN SD CARD FOR NEXT WEEK. IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF THE COURSE. ( kinda like your notebook). With so many Photo classes this year, cards will not be given to students to use each class. If you do not have a card, you will not be able to take photos. Cards will be available to purchase from the school for $12.