Thursday, April 10, 2014

i phoneography

Since a number of you have cell phones, I thought it might be interesting for you to read up on some
i phoneography tips. Now when you have a look at this link, you will notice that a lot of basic photography rules apply to camera phones as well. This suggests that once you understand the basics of composition and begin to see differently...the type of camera you have is less important.

Link to i phoneography

Also since we are shooting angles, I have an article which you might want to review before you go out to shoot. Link to angle assignment

Take the time to join the Mark Isfeld Photography group on Flickr and post some of your good photos!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The following is a list of assignments required for term 3. The absolute deadline is Thurs. April. 17. no exceptions. All assignments need to be in sets on Flickr.

1. Flickr set-up/buddy icon/contact chase
2. Object shots: 6 shots
3. Head shots that are flattering: 3 shots
4. Snow shots or Alternative : 5 shots
5. Head swap ( this was printed off and handed in to me)
6. Duplicity: 4 shots into 1shot
7. Overlay : 1 shot
8. Skate park: 8 shots, focus on angles