Thursday, April 15, 2010

Photoshop Assignment for term 4 ( Update)

Term 3 Wrap-up: Good day folks, I am away today and we are edging very close to your deadline for having all of your term 3 work done. Friday is the last day for me to mark anything in person. I will be available at lunch and after school on Friday. I will be marking online starting Sat morning. Monday is a Pro-D day and Tues. my marks are due. I will only mark what I can see and only what is organized into sets. Also you must make sure you have not restricted your rights so that only you can see your photos. If you have a green circle by your photos everything is good.

Unless you have all of your work marked, your first priority will be to upload and organize on Flickr. Second, you should finish taking any photos for term 3 (Although it is really a bit late for this). Any written assignments should be handed in.Then you should complete your cropping assignment. Lastly, you can work on your term 4 Portrait Assignment. You may want to do a little online research on how to take good portrait photos.

Today's Assignment: It is a very simple assignment. I would like you to find one of your photos that need to be cropped and crop it 3 different ways and save it in Flickr under the set CROP. You may crop in picnic or photoshop.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Assignment: Portraits

First, a special thank-you to all of our presenters last week for sharing their knowledge with us. I know I came away inspired. We are very close to the end of term which means all term three work up to your name in letters needs to be done for marking. You should not be beginning any new work unless all of the term three work is completed. Glacier, Old Crow and Pet assignments will be counted in term 4, so you have a little more time to complete them. I will begin to mark on Flickr, so please make sure you have made me a contact and all of your work is organized on Flickr into sets. Also, I need to know your Flickr name so please make sure I have this, otherwise I will not be able to mark accurately.

This week's new assignment : Friends and Family Portraits: You are to take photos of friends and family. These photos could be taken in groups or individuals. Make sure you don't take your shots too far away and find some interesting locations for your shots. Do a little research on the net on how to take good portraits. I will review when I return. Most of all have fun!

Portraits: 10 shots
Criteria: Clear shots which reveal your subject's personality.