1. Name in found letters, edited to black and white grade 9 (15 marks)
ALPHABET grade 10 (20 marks)
2. Motion Blur: 1 shot (10 marks)
3. Glacier shot: 1 shot (10 marks)
4. Macros: 10 shots (20marks)
5. Portraits: 10 shots (20 marks)
6. Sign of the Times: 1 shot (10 marks)
7. Water shots: 5 shots (15 marks)
8. Pet Portraits: 5 shots (15 marks)
9. WOW shot: 1 shot (10 marks) *must be also save on Ms. Chase's red harddrive
10. Slideshow: 50 shots (50 marks), including music *must also be saved on Ms. Chase's red hardrive
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
This week's new assignment : Friends and Family Portraits: You are to take photos of friends and family. These photos could be taken in groups or individuals. Make sure you take your shots close up and find some interesting locations for your shots. Do a little research on the net on how to take good portraits and read the article below. Little kids are perfect for portrait shots, if you don't know any make a deal, exchange an hour with a kid for copies of your photos. Most of all, get out there and have some fun taking pictures!
Portraits: 10 shots
Criteria: Clear shots which reveal your subject's personality.
A non-distracting, clean background. Experimentation with distances from your subject
(I'd like to see a variety of different shots!)
This week's new assignment : Friends and Family Portraits: You are to take photos of friends and family. These photos could be taken in groups or individuals. Make sure you take your shots close up and find some interesting locations for your shots. Do a little research on the net on how to take good portraits and read the article below. Little kids are perfect for portrait shots, if you don't know any make a deal, exchange an hour with a kid for copies of your photos. Most of all, get out there and have some fun taking pictures!
Portraits: 10 shots
Criteria: Clear shots which reveal your subject's personality.
A non-distracting, clean background. Experimentation with distances from your subject
(I'd like to see a variety of different shots!)
Glacier Shot
The beautiful winter weather is upon us, so now is your chance to get a great Glacier shot. You only need one, so make it a good one.
Criteria: Your shot should be clear and show off the beauty of the Comox Glacier.
Marks: 10
Criteria: Your shot should be clear and show off the beauty of the Comox Glacier.
Marks: 10
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Macro Photography
Photo by Sadie
Macro photography is the art of photographing small objects like flowers and bugs. Here are some tips for fantastic macro photography.
Start to train your eye to see macro opportunities. You’ll be surprised at the objects you’ll want to capture : Stamps, Paper Clips, Coins, Pins etc. Some of the best subjects are provided by Nature – Flowers, Plants, Bugs and Leaves.
• Try getting in really close to everyday objects such as the wood grain of a table, the veins of leaves, the texture of gravel.
• Use a flash if there isn’t much light – but be careful because at this close range the flash could over expose the subject and image. A ‘Ring Flash’ unit can help. This clips onto the front of the lens and can give a softer effect.
• If your camera has trouble focusing at close range, try moving away a little and use the optical zoom to increase your magnification.
• Use a small white piece of paper to fill any shadows in the image. Shadows can be a problem if you are shooting in bright sunlight, or using an overhead lamp. Any single light source will cause shadows.
• Increase your ISO setting so you can use faster shutter speeds. This will ensure your images will be as sharp and clear as possible. Don’t increase your ISO too far as you’ll get a very ‘noisy’ image.
• Use a tripod as much as possible to eliminate camera shake and to be sure your camera’s focus is right.
Macro photography is the art of photographing small objects like flowers and bugs. Here are some tips for fantastic macro photography.
Start to train your eye to see macro opportunities. You’ll be surprised at the objects you’ll want to capture : Stamps, Paper Clips, Coins, Pins etc. Some of the best subjects are provided by Nature – Flowers, Plants, Bugs and Leaves.
• Try getting in really close to everyday objects such as the wood grain of a table, the veins of leaves, the texture of gravel.
• Use a flash if there isn’t much light – but be careful because at this close range the flash could over expose the subject and image. A ‘Ring Flash’ unit can help. This clips onto the front of the lens and can give a softer effect.
• If your camera has trouble focusing at close range, try moving away a little and use the optical zoom to increase your magnification.
• Use a small white piece of paper to fill any shadows in the image. Shadows can be a problem if you are shooting in bright sunlight, or using an overhead lamp. Any single light source will cause shadows.
• Increase your ISO setting so you can use faster shutter speeds. This will ensure your images will be as sharp and clear as possible. Don’t increase your ISO too far as you’ll get a very ‘noisy’ image.
• Use a tripod as much as possible to eliminate camera shake and to be sure your camera’s focus is right.
New Assignment: Macros
Macro Shot
Tulip: Hugh Campbell
Photography: We do not all have macro lenses however the close up feature on your camera is what we will be using for this assignment. For most cameras it is the flower feature.
Macro Shots: Get up close, really close to objects. You are to take 10 photos. Do not take several of the same object from different angles. You must choose several different objects to shoot.
Criteria: Your main object should be in focus, background can be blurred. Try to get an interesting angle or approach to your object. Please avoid 10 flower photos or 10 leaf photos. I really want you to start seeing things from a different perspective. Objects do look differently when you get really close up.
Macro Photo Article to read
Both grade 9's and 10's will complete this assignment. I want to see new work from the grade 10's, no recycled photos!
Closepegs: Jasmine Naswell
Tulip: Hugh Campbell
Photography: We do not all have macro lenses however the close up feature on your camera is what we will be using for this assignment. For most cameras it is the flower feature.
Macro Shots: Get up close, really close to objects. You are to take 10 photos. Do not take several of the same object from different angles. You must choose several different objects to shoot.
Criteria: Your main object should be in focus, background can be blurred. Try to get an interesting angle or approach to your object. Please avoid 10 flower photos or 10 leaf photos. I really want you to start seeing things from a different perspective. Objects do look differently when you get really close up.
Macro Photo Article to read
Both grade 9's and 10's will complete this assignment. I want to see new work from the grade 10's, no recycled photos!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
TERM #2 Assignments
New Assignments Term #2
1. Motion Blur: ( See assignment criteria and sample photos under Oct 2009) 1 shot
2. Sign of the times: You are to take a shot which reflects the era. A sign of the times of 2010
( think fashion, poliitcs, technology, have to items, or situations) 1 shot
3. YOUR NAME in found letters: Grade 9's you are to find objects that match the letters in your first name. They should be edited into black and white and cropped appropriately. Stay focused on the backgroung of your shots and beware of clutter in the shots, keep it clean. You may need to take several shots before getting the ones you like.
4. Alphabet : Grade 10's you have completed the name assignment last year, this time you get to find the entire alphabet.
New Assignments Term #2
1. Motion Blur: ( See assignment criteria and sample photos under Oct 2009) 1 shot
2. Sign of the times: You are to take a shot which reflects the era. A sign of the times of 2010
( think fashion, poliitcs, technology, have to items, or situations) 1 shot
3. YOUR NAME in found letters: Grade 9's you are to find objects that match the letters in your first name. They should be edited into black and white and cropped appropriately. Stay focused on the backgroung of your shots and beware of clutter in the shots, keep it clean. You may need to take several shots before getting the ones you like.
4. Alphabet : Grade 10's you have completed the name assignment last year, this time you get to find the entire alphabet.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Ms Chase is away today
I would like all students to work on this assignment today. Browse Flickr and find three (3) photos that you believe are exceptional photos. Using rules of composition and what you know so far about photography, explain why each photo is exceptional, and why you chose it. You can copy the photo into word, then write up the explanation. If the photographer does not let you copy the photo, please copy down the URL (web address) and describe the photo. When finished, students should continue taking and editing photos. I will be doing some marking at home today, so I will know who is behind. Cameras can be signed out....be very respectful of returning them on time and in good order. And make sure you all return to class 10 min prior to the end of class. Use your time wisely, we are only 3 weeks away from our first report card. Time has a way of slipping away if you are not using it effectively. See an updated list of assignments below.
Monday, October 4, 2010
New Assignments Week of Oct. 4 -15
Grade 9's: Take time tthis week to edit all of your fruit and skatepark photos and make sure they are organized into sets on Flickr. Marking will begin on these next week.
New Assignment #4: BLUE/RED : In this assignment you are to take photos of blue red objects. The focal point in each photo should be the colours. You can shoot either blue, red or both colours. I will be looking for you to shoot different angles and to try to make the photos interesting.Keep in mind the elements of composition and rule of thirds. SHOTS : 10 shots
New Assignment #5: FALL SHOTS : This assignment is for both the 9's and the 10's. Venture out and capture some great fall photos. Have fun, get outside and play. Throw leaves into the air, get a pic of a rake, or a closeup of a colourful leaf, an empty tree, etc.SHOTS: 5 shots
Grade 10's: Make sure you have all of your partner, fruit and hands/feet photos uploaded, edited, and into sets on Flickr.
New Assignment: #4 REFLECTIONS: Look around reflections are everywhere, use mirrors, windows, glass, or water to get some fantastic reflection photos. SHOTS: 10 shots
New Assignment #4: BLUE/RED : In this assignment you are to take photos of blue red objects. The focal point in each photo should be the colours. You can shoot either blue, red or both colours. I will be looking for you to shoot different angles and to try to make the photos interesting.Keep in mind the elements of composition and rule of thirds. SHOTS : 10 shots
New Assignment #5: FALL SHOTS : This assignment is for both the 9's and the 10's. Venture out and capture some great fall photos. Have fun, get outside and play. Throw leaves into the air, get a pic of a rake, or a closeup of a colourful leaf, an empty tree, etc.SHOTS: 5 shots
Grade 10's: Make sure you have all of your partner, fruit and hands/feet photos uploaded, edited, and into sets on Flickr.
New Assignment: #4 REFLECTIONS: Look around reflections are everywhere, use mirrors, windows, glass, or water to get some fantastic reflection photos. SHOTS: 10 shots
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Week of Sept 21, 2010
You have made it through your first photo shoot, congratulations. Could everyone make sure you get the following administrative stuff done this week:
- make sure you are signed up on Flickr
- make sure you have made me a contact (go to contact, search, lisa chase, sunflower icon)
- change your buddy icon on flickr
- change your screen name to have your name in it and 2010 ex: lchase(2010)
- upload your partner photos and put into a set ( to put into a set go to organize and create)
- upload your fruit photos and put into a set
- work on NEW assignment for the week: Skatepark Angle shots (grade 9)
- work on NEW assignment for the week: Hnads, feet and shoes (grade 10)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wed. Sept 15, 2010
Today we have a lot of work to get through. Intially, I would like to work through 10 Questions to think about before taking a shot, and spend some time reviewing/discussing this article with you. Next I would like to explain the concept of rule of thirds and have you find a photo that you think fits the criteria of rule of thirds. You will post this photo to Flickr and describe why it meets the rule. When you finish this, upload your interview photo to Flicker.
Rule of Thirds
Read the article rule of thirds and make sure you understand the concept.
10 Questions to ask yourself before taking a photo
Please connect to this link and read through this article.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Intro to Digital Photo 9/10 Fall 2010
Digital Photo is now in its second year at Isfeld. We had a very successful year last year with students exceeding my expectations in the quality of photos that they were able to produce.
Introduction to Digital Photo: Students will be introduced to camera basics, how to compose shots, and the basics of photographic design. Much of the class time will be spent taking photos and working through creative assignments in order to help students become better photographers. Students will also learn the basics of photo editing (cropping, colour balancing, resizing and utilizing some of the many artistic tools in Photoshop CS4). The school has 3 Nikon D40 digital SLR cameras and 5 Fugi waterproof point and shoot camera available for students to use. There is not a camera available for every student in the class, so if students have their own camera, it would be great if they could bring it to class.
This year’s course will not focus heavily on Photoshop but rather will focus on guiding students to use the camera in an artistic way. Next semester there is a more advance photography class offered at the 11/12 level which will focus on more advanced techniques.
Details of Photo 9/10:
Evaluation: The course will be evaluated based on the following:
Assignments: 70%
Portfolio: 20% ( Electronic slideshow)
Studio Skills: 10%
• An SD flash card 2gb or higher ( will act as the student’s notebook for their photography, Please note student will not be allowed access to the school camera unless they have their own card)
• A Flash drive is recommended (2gb or higher)
• Fickr account (free): Students are expected to post all of their assignment photos online
• Having access to a camera on the weekends would be very helpful toward student success in this course
Introduction to Digital Photo: Students will be introduced to camera basics, how to compose shots, and the basics of photographic design. Much of the class time will be spent taking photos and working through creative assignments in order to help students become better photographers. Students will also learn the basics of photo editing (cropping, colour balancing, resizing and utilizing some of the many artistic tools in Photoshop CS4). The school has 3 Nikon D40 digital SLR cameras and 5 Fugi waterproof point and shoot camera available for students to use. There is not a camera available for every student in the class, so if students have their own camera, it would be great if they could bring it to class.
This year’s course will not focus heavily on Photoshop but rather will focus on guiding students to use the camera in an artistic way. Next semester there is a more advance photography class offered at the 11/12 level which will focus on more advanced techniques.
Details of Photo 9/10:
Evaluation: The course will be evaluated based on the following:
Assignments: 70%
Portfolio: 20% ( Electronic slideshow)
Studio Skills: 10%
• An SD flash card 2gb or higher ( will act as the student’s notebook for their photography, Please note student will not be allowed access to the school camera unless they have their own card)
• A Flash drive is recommended (2gb or higher)
• Fickr account (free): Students are expected to post all of their assignment photos online
• Having access to a camera on the weekends would be very helpful toward student success in this course
Monday, June 7, 2010
Photostory presentations begin Fri. June 11
Be ready, slideshow presentations begin this Friday. Students who do not get their assignments marked by Friday need to come see me at lunch or after school for marking. Reminder it is your responsibility to make sure your assignments have been marked. A second reminder, make sure you hand in your best photo of the semester in to the photostorage folder, save it as your name, 300dpi and no larger than 8x10.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Use your remaining time wisely
Photography students, there is very little time left before the end of the year which means you
need to put some focus into getting your work completed. Next Friday will be the deadline for all term 3
Incompletes. If the work is not completed by then, the grade will be changed to an F. Over the next
couple of days, I am expecting you to work on the following:
1. Written photography assignment (see handout for details, and it must be typed)
2. Photostory slideshow: I do not want to hear " I have it at home, or all my photos are on my
computer at home." Get them on a jump drive and bring them to school so I can see what you
are up to. I expect to see you working on it at school, so I know that you did the work. Make
sure you find appropriate music which is an mp3 file. The program will not accept mp4 format.
3. Save your best photo on the photostorage folder. Make sure if you are pulling from Flickr
you go to all sizes and choose the largest size. You will then bring your photo into Photoshop
and resize ( no larger than 8 x10). Using the text tool put your name onto your photo in the
bottom left or right hand corner. PLease use white or black font. Then go to file save as and
save the file as your name. After you do this, you can copy the photo to photostorage.
4. Do not forget about your lasso/photoshop assignment where you had to take a person and put them into a new background. It should be handed in already.
5. Organize all of your photos on Flickr, so you will be ready to start marking next week.
That's all folks!!
need to put some focus into getting your work completed. Next Friday will be the deadline for all term 3
Incompletes. If the work is not completed by then, the grade will be changed to an F. Over the next
couple of days, I am expecting you to work on the following:
1. Written photography assignment (see handout for details, and it must be typed)
2. Photostory slideshow: I do not want to hear " I have it at home, or all my photos are on my
computer at home." Get them on a jump drive and bring them to school so I can see what you
are up to. I expect to see you working on it at school, so I know that you did the work. Make
sure you find appropriate music which is an mp3 file. The program will not accept mp4 format.
3. Save your best photo on the photostorage folder. Make sure if you are pulling from Flickr
you go to all sizes and choose the largest size. You will then bring your photo into Photoshop
and resize ( no larger than 8 x10). Using the text tool put your name onto your photo in the
bottom left or right hand corner. PLease use white or black font. Then go to file save as and
save the file as your name. After you do this, you can copy the photo to photostorage.
4. Do not forget about your lasso/photoshop assignment where you had to take a person and put them into a new background. It should be handed in already.
5. Organize all of your photos on Flickr, so you will be ready to start marking next week.
That's all folks!!
Term 4 Assignments
The following is a list of all term 4 assignments.
Glacier: 1 shot = 10 marks
Pet: 1-2 shots = 10 marks
Old Crow: 1 shot =10 marks
Written photography Report: 1-2 pages (see handout, due the end of May) = 30 marks
Portraits of friends and family: 10 shots = 20 marks
Common/Uncommon: 10 shots = 20 marks
Capture an emotion: 1 shot =10 marks
Lasso tool/Photoshop Assignment: Use the lasso tool in photoshop to put a person into a new backgroud. Ask studentsho have done this already to help you out. =10 marks
Photostory slideshow: 50 shots ( only 10 of which can be assignment shots). I am expecting this assignment to be done exceptionally well. This should be acollection of your best work. You will be setting the slideshow to music and be in control of transitions and how the slideshow unfolds. This project will be presented to the entire class at the end of the year (estimated due date: first week of June) = 50 marks
Glacier: 1 shot = 10 marks
Pet: 1-2 shots = 10 marks
Old Crow: 1 shot =10 marks
Written photography Report: 1-2 pages (see handout, due the end of May) = 30 marks
Portraits of friends and family: 10 shots = 20 marks
Common/Uncommon: 10 shots = 20 marks
Capture an emotion: 1 shot =10 marks
Lasso tool/Photoshop Assignment: Use the lasso tool in photoshop to put a person into a new backgroud. Ask studentsho have done this already to help you out. =10 marks
Photostory slideshow: 50 shots ( only 10 of which can be assignment shots). I am expecting this assignment to be done exceptionally well. This should be acollection of your best work. You will be setting the slideshow to music and be in control of transitions and how the slideshow unfolds. This project will be presented to the entire class at the end of the year (estimated due date: first week of June) = 50 marks
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Photoshop Assignment for term 4 ( Update)
Term 3 Wrap-up: Good day folks, I am away today and we are edging very close to your deadline for having all of your term 3 work done. Friday is the last day for me to mark anything in person. I will be available at lunch and after school on Friday. I will be marking online starting Sat morning. Monday is a Pro-D day and Tues. my marks are due. I will only mark what I can see and only what is organized into sets. Also you must make sure you have not restricted your rights so that only you can see your photos. If you have a green circle by your photos everything is good.
Unless you have all of your work marked, your first priority will be to upload and organize on Flickr. Second, you should finish taking any photos for term 3 (Although it is really a bit late for this). Any written assignments should be handed in.Then you should complete your cropping assignment. Lastly, you can work on your term 4 Portrait Assignment. You may want to do a little online research on how to take good portrait photos.
Today's Assignment: It is a very simple assignment. I would like you to find one of your photos that need to be cropped and crop it 3 different ways and save it in Flickr under the set CROP. You may crop in picnic or photoshop.
Unless you have all of your work marked, your first priority will be to upload and organize on Flickr. Second, you should finish taking any photos for term 3 (Although it is really a bit late for this). Any written assignments should be handed in.Then you should complete your cropping assignment. Lastly, you can work on your term 4 Portrait Assignment. You may want to do a little online research on how to take good portrait photos.
Today's Assignment: It is a very simple assignment. I would like you to find one of your photos that need to be cropped and crop it 3 different ways and save it in Flickr under the set CROP. You may crop in picnic or photoshop.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
New Assignment: Portraits
First, a special thank-you to all of our presenters last week for sharing their knowledge with us. I know I came away inspired. We are very close to the end of term which means all term three work up to your name in letters needs to be done for marking. You should not be beginning any new work unless all of the term three work is completed. Glacier, Old Crow and Pet assignments will be counted in term 4, so you have a little more time to complete them. I will begin to mark on Flickr, so please make sure you have made me a contact and all of your work is organized on Flickr into sets. Also, I need to know your Flickr name so please make sure I have this, otherwise I will not be able to mark accurately.
This week's new assignment : Friends and Family Portraits: You are to take photos of friends and family. These photos could be taken in groups or individuals. Make sure you don't take your shots too far away and find some interesting locations for your shots. Do a little research on the net on how to take good portraits. I will review when I return. Most of all have fun!
Portraits: 10 shots
Criteria: Clear shots which reveal your subject's personality.
This week's new assignment : Friends and Family Portraits: You are to take photos of friends and family. These photos could be taken in groups or individuals. Make sure you don't take your shots too far away and find some interesting locations for your shots. Do a little research on the net on how to take good portraits. I will review when I return. Most of all have fun!
Portraits: 10 shots
Criteria: Clear shots which reveal your subject's personality.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Glacier/Old Crow/Pet Photo
You are to complete one shot for each of the following topics.
Glacier: (one great shot, which means you may need to take a few) You need to catch the glacier on a good day. You can photograph from anywhere in the valley. Behind our school is a great location on a clear day.
Marks: 10
Old Crow: ( 1-2 shots) This assignment can be of an older person (interpreted) or a shot of an actual black crow.
Marks: 10
Pet Photo: (one great shot, which means you may need to take a few) Take a pic of your pet, or if you don't have a pet take one of a friend's pet or one that frequents your neighborhood. Get creative with angles, distance from your subject, rule of thirds or dress them up a bit. I have already seen a few great pet pics, keep shooting!
Criteria: In this assignment, I am looking for you to capture the true essence of your pet. Take them into an environment that lets them show their personality. Photo should be framed well, catch my attention, in focus, and exhibit your pet's character.
Marks: 10
Glacier: (one great shot, which means you may need to take a few) You need to catch the glacier on a good day. You can photograph from anywhere in the valley. Behind our school is a great location on a clear day.
Marks: 10
Old Crow: ( 1-2 shots) This assignment can be of an older person (interpreted) or a shot of an actual black crow.
Marks: 10
Pet Photo: (one great shot, which means you may need to take a few) Take a pic of your pet, or if you don't have a pet take one of a friend's pet or one that frequents your neighborhood. Get creative with angles, distance from your subject, rule of thirds or dress them up a bit. I have already seen a few great pet pics, keep shooting!
Criteria: In this assignment, I am looking for you to capture the true essence of your pet. Take them into an environment that lets them show their personality. Photo should be framed well, catch my attention, in focus, and exhibit your pet's character.
Marks: 10
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gummy bear/worm photo contest
This photo contest is also an assignment. You are to creatively photograph gummy bears/worms in close up mode. You are to take lots of shots and post your best 5 shots to flickr. I will be judging the top three photos in all of my classes this term and the winners will receive prizes.
Criteria: I am looking for creative composition and storytelling. Beautifully clear shots and something that catches my attention. Have FUN!
Marks: 10
Photo by: Brigette Catell
Criteria: I am looking for creative composition and storytelling. Beautifully clear shots and something that catches my attention. Have FUN!
Marks: 10
Photo by: Brigette Catell
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Assignment the week of Feb 22 - Feb 27
Photo by : Peter Sharcott
macro photography (Click on this link to see some great macro shots) This week we will be focusing on macro/close up photography. You need to set your camera to the macro setting which on most cameras is designated by the flower icon. On the Fugi cameras, you need to go in and physically change the setting through menu. There are several things to consider before taking decent closeup shots, the first being you need to start to see the ordinary in a different way. Get up close and start really looking at objects in a new way.Criteria: Your shots should be clear, especially the object you are focusing on. Be aware of backgrounds, for light objects try a dark background and for dark objects try a light background. Don't forget about light, if you can get outside in some natural light your photos have a better chance of turning out better. READ THE ARTICLES CONNECTED AT THE END OF THIS POST ON HOW TO SHOOT GOOD MACRO/CLOSE UP PHOTOS.
Shots: 10 photos
Marks: 20
Photo by : Luc Faucher
Monday, February 15, 2010
Photo Assignments
The following assignments will be marked starting the week of Mon. Feb 15.
1. Partner Assignment: You and a partner were to take a photo of each other in the spot in the school where you fit best. Both Pics should be grouped in a set on Flickr. (2 shots)
Criteria: Photos should be clear and tell the story of where each of you fits in the school enviro.
Marks: 10
2. Skatepark Photos: The focus of this assignment is to shoot angles at the skatepark. You can have people in the shots or not.
Criteria: The focus of these shots is angles!!! (10 shots)
Marks: 20
3. Rule of Thirds: This is a hand in written assignment. Use the blog to connect to the link on Rule of Thirds, read the article and then find your own picture and tell me why it obeys the rule of thirds.
Marks: 10
4. Self Portrait: You are to take a photo of yourself, get creative! you only need one good shot, but this might require you to take several. Think about using reflective surfaces or mirrors. Be aware of your background. (1 shot)
Criteria: A clear shot that is reflective of who you are.
Marks: 10
5. Photographer's Assignment: This is a written assignment. Scan the internet and find a photographer whose style and photos you enjoy. Print out two (2) photos of their work or provide a link to their work and then write a paragraph explaining what you like about the work.
Marks: 10
New Assignment this week.
6. Object/Colour: You are to find objects which reflect certain colours. Like a pink pair of shoes or a bright red ball, or a geen hoody that is contrasted with a black pair of pants. Your main focus is colour, but the photos need to be object shots. (10 shots)
Criteria: The focus on this assignment is on effective colour shots and setting up the shots. I will be looking for contrast. Some editing is OK, but I don't want all photos colour edited.
Marks: 20
1. Partner Assignment: You and a partner were to take a photo of each other in the spot in the school where you fit best. Both Pics should be grouped in a set on Flickr. (2 shots)
Criteria: Photos should be clear and tell the story of where each of you fits in the school enviro.
Marks: 10
2. Skatepark Photos: The focus of this assignment is to shoot angles at the skatepark. You can have people in the shots or not.
Criteria: The focus of these shots is angles!!! (10 shots)
Marks: 20
3. Rule of Thirds: This is a hand in written assignment. Use the blog to connect to the link on Rule of Thirds, read the article and then find your own picture and tell me why it obeys the rule of thirds.
Marks: 10
4. Self Portrait: You are to take a photo of yourself, get creative! you only need one good shot, but this might require you to take several. Think about using reflective surfaces or mirrors. Be aware of your background. (1 shot)
Criteria: A clear shot that is reflective of who you are.
Marks: 10
5. Photographer's Assignment: This is a written assignment. Scan the internet and find a photographer whose style and photos you enjoy. Print out two (2) photos of their work or provide a link to their work and then write a paragraph explaining what you like about the work.
Marks: 10
New Assignment this week.
6. Object/Colour: You are to find objects which reflect certain colours. Like a pink pair of shoes or a bright red ball, or a geen hoody that is contrasted with a black pair of pants. Your main focus is colour, but the photos need to be object shots. (10 shots)
Criteria: The focus on this assignment is on effective colour shots and setting up the shots. I will be looking for contrast. Some editing is OK, but I don't want all photos colour edited.
Marks: 20
Friday, February 5, 2010
Ms. Chase's 9-11 Photo Class: Sem 2
Hello Everyone: The purpose of this blog is to keep you all updated with assignments for the class.
Please read and follow the instructions
1. Assignment #1 : Partner photo shot: take a photo of your partner in the part of the school/outside the school that fits who they are, put these photos onto your L:drive
2. Create a photography folder on the L Drive
3. Create a folder using your first and last name on the photo storage site which is on the desktop
4. Create a Flickr account at Flickr.com and make me a contact. You will find me under chase in Courtenay, BC.Have your partner photo shoot uploaded onto Flickr. Spend some time navigating aroun Flickr,(check out some of the other fantastic photos posted on the site.) Connect up with some people in class by making them a contact.
5. Read the following articles (click on the links at the bottom of this site and READ)
These articles are short but VERY informative!
6. Complete the following assignment for rule of thirds and hand in to the teacher.
Assignment Rule of Thirds: Read the article on Rule of thirds, make sure you fully understand the concept, next find a photo on the computer that uses this principle. Copy and paste it into a document and then write down why/how that photo uses rule of thirds. Do not use example photos from the site itself, find your own.
Links to articles: Digital camera modes 10 questions to ask yourself when taking a photo
Rule of thirds
Please read and follow the instructions
1. Assignment #1 : Partner photo shot: take a photo of your partner in the part of the school/outside the school that fits who they are, put these photos onto your L:drive
2. Create a photography folder on the L Drive
3. Create a folder using your first and last name on the photo storage site which is on the desktop
4. Create a Flickr account at Flickr.com and make me a contact. You will find me under chase in Courtenay, BC.Have your partner photo shoot uploaded onto Flickr. Spend some time navigating aroun Flickr,(check out some of the other fantastic photos posted on the site.) Connect up with some people in class by making them a contact.
5. Read the following articles (click on the links at the bottom of this site and READ)
These articles are short but VERY informative!
6. Complete the following assignment for rule of thirds and hand in to the teacher.
Assignment Rule of Thirds: Read the article on Rule of thirds, make sure you fully understand the concept, next find a photo on the computer that uses this principle. Copy and paste it into a document and then write down why/how that photo uses rule of thirds. Do not use example photos from the site itself, find your own.
Links to articles: Digital camera modes 10 questions to ask yourself when taking a photo
Rule of thirds
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