Monday, August 28, 2023

Welcome to Photo 10 Tues Jan 28

Overview Photo 10

In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take artistic photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. There is much to know in the field of Photography and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility. 

( Class Guidelines/Expectations to be discussed)

Students are encouraged to use their phones as well as the digital slr cameras. School cameras will be available for student use in class and cameras may be able to be signed out with teacher permission to take home. If cameras are signed out they must be returned the next day or privileges will be revoked. There are 4 other large classes needing the use of cameras. Techniques on how to use your phones will be taught in class. It will be helpful for students to bring their own phone cords if uploading from their phones since there is not enough for every student in the class.

Requirements for success in this course:

  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own cell phone and charger cables 
  • use of class time effectively and respect for the freedom you have in this class, taking photos at home occasionally when you can so you can maximize your class time to edit
  • be a good model for your peers/help out others when you can
  • take photos outside of class as well as during class

Core Competencies

  • Critical and Creative thinking
  • Self and Social Responsibility
  • Visual Communication skills


Students will be assessed on the quality and effort put into their photo assignments. Criteria is focused on the Elements of Composition and the ability to compose creatively using effective angles,  shot set-up, and clarity of photos. Each assignment will focus on certain criteria that needs to be met.

The First Steps
  • Create a folder on the One Drive called Photo 10, then create a folder on the M drive under chase photo 10 by your first and last name
  • To set your Apple devices to take photos in JPEG/JPG instead of HEIC: Go to Settings,Tap Camera,Tap Formats,Tap Most Compatible

  • Open Photoshop and drag it to the desktop of your computer

Assignment #1: Find your top 5 photos on your phone and upload to the Mdrive under Chase Photo10 in your folder

Assignment #2: HEADSHOTS; take 5 head and shoulder shots, edit and upload onto the M drive label folder HEADSHOTS (10 marks)

Assignment #3 : Find one object or person to shoot outside, shoot them 5 different ways, then choose your best photo and title it BEST (10 marks)

Monday, June 5, 2023

Week of June 5

 UPDATE: ONLY 5 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation: 

Presentation due: Mon June 19 in class. All slideshows need to be in a movie file by your name and saved in the slideshow folder on the mdrive.

Priorities this week:
  • Any old work that is not completed should be done first
  • Overlay
  • Taking, organizing and putting photos into the slideshow
The slideshows are due on the date in class. You will receive 10 marks for presentation. If it is not ready for presentation, you will lose the 10 marks and the slideshow still has to be done. I will have you in during I week to complete the slideshow or any other assignments not completed.

 Criteria for Final Slideshow

  • Slideshow should include your best photos taken from the beginning of this class. All photos should be in focus and well composed and editedThere should be 35 shots in total,  but you can have more if you like.
  • 10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 25 need to betaken since the course started.
  • Try to include a variety of different shots. Include some macros, landscapes, portraits, and other creative shots. Try not to repeat similar shots.
  • You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive) if you are using Photostory in class. Feel free to use i movie or any other slideshow program.
  • You must save the final video in a shared group folder on the m drive  Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV is the correct file extention for Photostory Files), if that is the program you are using. i movie files are generally mp4 files.
  • photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
  • your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
  • You will be given 10 marks for having your slideshow ready on the day of viewing ( a bonus for meeting the deadline). As a class, we will set a deadline for this assignment to be viewed. I will show you may examples of high quality slideshows so you know what the expectations are.
  • This should be a collection of your BEST work only, get started NOW.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Week of May 23

 The following assignments need to be completed:

  • Portraits 10 shots 20 marks
  • Overlay in Photoshop...use a photo you already have 10 marks
  • Choose a song for your slideshow and let Ms Chase know if it needs to be downloaded
  • Begin choosing and taking photos for your final slideshow
  • Put your BEST photos into the Wow photos folder
ONLY 7 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation: 
Presentation due: Mon June 19 in class. All slideshows need to be in a movie file by your name and saved in the slideshow folder on the mdrive.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Week of May 8

TOP PRIORITY: Multiplicity shot is due Wed May 10 : It should be moved to the class folder on the M drive. It should be labeled by your name. Example: File name: Lisa Chase multiplicity.

Skate and Spring shots are due Mon May 15. Please put in your student folder on M Drive.

  • Skatepark shots (10) Focus on angles and edited. Can include people, objects, or the skatepark itself. Criteria: in focus, well composed, edited shots
  • Spring Shots (5) Evidence of spring...make sure each photo has a focal point
Finished all of this work...

  • make sure your term 3 work is moved and saved to your One drive
  • create your new term 4 folders: skate, spring, portraits, overlay, final slideshow
  • Begin the new Portrait Assignment ( see below)


Working with 1 model of your choice, you should plan to photograph a collection of portraits. You will need 10 different shots of your model. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head/andor head and shoulder shots, several full body shots, a few creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props, gels covering the lights etc.These shots should not all be taken on the same day in the same outfit. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This should be part of getting ready for your assignment.

This assignment is worth 20 marks. Your portraits should be posted to M drive in the assignment folder.  


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
  • shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
  • get out and shoot when the weather is good.

You should research posing and plan your models and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. All portrait photos should be edited for cropping and lighting. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse,  storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in art room 510 ) 

To get 10 really good photos you might need to take upwards of 40-60 shots of your model. Below is an example of a well done portrait shoot. We will have a lesson on this on Wed.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Week of May 1

Assignments you should be working on:

  • Multiplicity: minimum 4 shots rolled into one photoshop final piece, save as a jpg which means ( save as copy then change file to a jpg)
  • 10 Skatepark shots focused on angles ( can use people, objects or skatepark itself)
  • NEW Spring shots: 5 shots representing the concept of spring ( TIP there are bright orange tulips in the school garden)

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Week of May 1



1. Multiplicity Shot : 20 Marks

Step by Step Instructions for Doing the Shot ( 4 shots in one)

You should be going out with a partner, a digital slr camera and a tripod. Find a location that has a clean and interesting background. Start by taking some practice shots to make sure you are not too far away from your subject. Have your subject think about doing 4 different poses. Each pose will be a different shot. ALL OF THESE PHOTOS SHOULD BE SHOT ON THE SAME DAY. Come back to the class, and using the card reader upload the photos and save them in your folder and label  Multiplicity.

1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos.
2. Photos should be labelled: Background, Photo1,2,3,4.
3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to.
4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to.
5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected.
6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo( photo 1). It will not be exactly where you want go to edit/transform/scale, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately. (I will be marking to make sure your photos are not warped)
7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3
8. When finished, save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. 

2. New Photo Assignment: Skate Park shoot: 10 shots 20 marks -
In this assignment students should focus on taking shots from different angles. The skate park makes an excellent backdrop for photos, so make sure you have a focal point in all of your shots. You could shoot people, skaters/bikers in action, objects or even the skate park itself...just make sure you remember your rules of composition while shooting. 
Try a variety of different types of shots. 

Keep in mind.....
  • You need to take your time to compose the shot
  • Many of the photos are taken from too far away, get closer to your subject
  • Keep your background clean, ask people to get out of the way if they are in your shots
  • Ask yourself if the shots you have taken meet the criteria
Review the Links
LINK to Article on Angles: Short Article to Review on Angles
LINK TO SAMPLE: skatepark angle example

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wed Mar 15

 Assignments due Term 3

1. 5 low angle shots 10 marks

2. Scavenger Hunt (10 photos labeled) 20 marks

3. 5 Headshots 10 marks

4. 1 Headswap 10 marks ( print off in blk and white and hand in)

5. Macros 15 plus put in a slideshow ( 20 plus 10)

6. Mark for photo file organization 10 marks


1. Multiplicity

Monday, March 13, 2023

Mon Mar 14

Multiplicity Shot : 20 Marks

Step by Step Instructions for Doing the Shot ( 4 shots in one)

You should be going out with a partner, a digital slr camera and a tripod. Find a location that has a clean and interesting background. Start by taking some practice shots to make sure you are not too far away from your subject. Have your subject think about doing 4 different poses. Each pose will be a different shot. ALL OF THESE PHOTOS SHOULD BE SHOT ON THE SAME DAY. Come back to the class, and using the card reader upload the photos and save them in your folder and label  Multiplicity.

1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos.
2. Photos should be labelled: Background, Photo1,2,3,4.
3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to.
4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to.
5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected.
6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo( photo 1). It will not be exactly where you want go to edit/transform/scale, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately. ( I will be marking to make sure your photos are not warped)
7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3
8. When finished, save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Mon Mar 6

Macro Assignment:  15 of your best shots put into a slideshow for viewing. Slideshow will be done in Photostory and it should be set to appropriate music. If your slideshow is not ready on the duedate you will get 0 out of 10 for the slideshow portion of the assignment. Marks: 40 ( 30 for macros, 10 for slideshow)

Criteria: Shots should have a defined focal point and be edited effectively for lighting and cropping. Looking for in focus shots. Also try to have many different shots. I do not want to see the same shots exactly from people working toether. Take some phone shots, take the camera home, use the digital slr cameras.

Macro Photography Techniques
  1. Use flash. While decreasing your aperture will give you the depth of field you need to get your subject in focus, it will also allow less light into your camera. If using your phone, bring in extra lighting ( another phone, makep mirror light, lamp, external lights, use the light box
  2. Use manual focus if using the digital cameras . You can put the camera in Priority (P) mode and manual focus.
  3. Use a tripod, or set your phone up against something for stability
  4. clean up dust, hairs on subject because it will show up in the photo
  5. Take plenty of shots. ...

Best Macro Photography Settings 
  • Shutter speed: 1/125 – 1/500.
  • Aperture: f/8.0, f/11.0.
  • ISO: 400 or higher
  • Focal length: 50mm (in 35mm format)
  • Exposure mode: Manual, if automatic either shutter priority or aperture priority

Link to more info on Macro photos 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Photo 10 Update

Reminder of Criteria

  • shots are all in focus
  • well composed free of background clutter
  • edited for lighting and cropping
  • shots are not just DONE, but creatively done
  • NO photos of other art or photography
  • All shots are labeled by the content
Cameras/Cards should be signed out and returned at the end of class. Students should return 15 min before the end of class.

Assignments so far due end of this week:

1. 5 low angle shots 10 marks

2. Scavenger Hunt (10 photos labeled) 20 marks

3. 5 Headshots 10 marks

4. 1 Headswap 10 marks

5. Mark for photo file organization 10 marks


Friday, February 24, 2023

NEW ASSIGNMENTNew Photo Assignment #3: The Headshot. You are to take 5 head and shoulders shots that have a clean background and are cropped in Photoshop shoulder to shoulder. Please include a headshot of yourself.

Criteria: clarity, in focus, clean background, cropped shoulder to shoulder. Marks: 10

Sample head and shoulders shot

Assignment #4 Editing Assignment NEW


1.Using one of your headshots, bring into Photoshop. Next, find a photo of a celebrity etc. When using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, famous model or celebrity) no animals or cartoons.

2. Bring in both photos to Photoshop. Go to IMAGE, ADJUSTMENTS, IMAGE SIZE and change the photos to both be close to the same size. If one is way bigger than the other it will be difficult to do the assignment. While under ADJUSTMENTS, you can also change both photos to BLACK and WHITE and lighten  or adjust your photo as necessary.
3. Next go to the SELECTION TOOL,( right click) and using the tool, move the tool around the head of one of your photos, then click on EDIT CUT or COPY and go to your next photo.

Note: It is probably more interesting to put the student head on the celebrity body, but it does not matter which head goes where. Also if you do not have a head shot that works for the swap, simply go out and take a shot of someone in a similar pose and distance away from the camera.

4.When on the next photo, click on EDIT, PASTE. This will put the head on the page. Then to resize the head, click EDIT, TRANSFORM, SCALE. This will put a box around the photo and allow you to change the size of the head, you can also slightly rotate the head if you go to ROTATE under TRANSFORM tool.
5. Then you want to tweak the image by moving into place with the pick/move tool, or use the eraser tool to clean up the edges.

Note: SAVING the file: If you need to continue working on the head swap, save as a Photoshop file so you can come back and work on the image. It is always a good idea, to save your edited photos as Photoshop files as a backup in case you need to go back and make changes. However, if you think you are done you can save as a JPEG ( which is save as copy) put into your M drive folder and then print out the assignment, put your name on it and hand it in.

Criteria for this assignment: Looking for a clean transition, not warped but looking accurate, limited blurring to make the face/hair work. If I cannot tell it has been photoshopped it is a 10/10. Good Luck.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Mon Feb 13

 Assignment #1: 5 low angle shots 10 marks

Assignment #2 ; Scavenger Hunt

Assignment #2: Scavenger Hunt: 20 marks

  • shoot through something or framing the shot
  • use of a mirror
  • fill the frame
  • a water shot
  • something red
  • a close -up/macro shot
  • duck/flamingo/or isfeld bear shot
  • photo of a person taking a photo
  • a shadow shot
  • food or drink shot
  • BONUS: your choice CREATIVE Shot

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wed Feb 8

 Link to Composition: Composition

Bringing a Photo into Photoshop: Crop and Lighten

Monday, February 6, 2023

Mon Feb 6

1. Review of Rule of thirds/composition


2. Low angle shots: a different perspective.

3. Assignment #1: Low angle persective: 5 shots on Mdrive

Thursday, February 2, 2023

 1. Create your student folder on the M:drive

2. Rule of Thirds What is the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open. While there are other forms of composition, the rule of thirds generally leads to compelling and well-composed shots.

2. Questions to ask yourself before taking a photo: 10 QUESTIONS

3. Composition : the way in which something is put together or arranged : the combination of parts or elements that make up something.

Watch beginning

Friday, January 20, 2023

 Overview Photo 10: 

In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take artistic photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. There is much to know in the field of Photography and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility. 

( Class Guidelines to be discussed)

Students are encouraged to use their phones for taking photos. School cameras will be available for student use in class and cameras may be able to be signed out with teacher permission to take home. If cameras are signed out they must be returned the next day or privileges will be revoked. There are 4 other large classes needing the use of cameras. Techniques on how to use your phones will be taught in class. It will be helpful for students to bring their phone cords if uploading from their phones.

Requirements for success in this course:

  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own cell phone and charger cables 
  • use of class time effectively and respect for the freedom you have in this class, taking photos at home occasionally when you can so you can maximize your class time to edit
  • be a good model for your peers/help out others when you can


Core Competencies

  • Critical and Creative thinking
  • Self and Social Responsibility
  • Visual Communication skills


Students will be assessed on the quality and effort put into their photo assignments. Criteria is focused on the Elements of Composition and the ability to compose creatively using effective angles,  shot set-up, and clarity of photos. Each assignment will focus on certain criteria that needs to be met. 
With classes being very large and having so many photography students this term. Work that is later than two weeks will constitute a phone call home and an I form.
Students are encouraged to have their work marked by Ms Chase in class so you can get instant feedback and achieve the best grade possible.


Students will be given time to photograph in class. Upon return from class, photos should be immediately uploaded onto the school computers and saved in 2 places.
  • First they should be saved on your  One Drive 
  • Next they should be copied onto the M drive under the student's folder
  • At the time of marking, the work should be saved in the class folder for the assignment on the m drive