NEW Assignment #4 Snow shots, get creative, choose to try out different angles and ideas in these photos.
5 shots ( 10 marks)
This site will introduce students to photographic basics.
NEW Assignment #4 Snow shots, get creative, choose to try out different angles and ideas in these photos.
5 shots ( 10 marks)
Photo composition is how a photographer arranges visual elements within their frame. It's a pleasing organization of objects within your rectangle.
Understanding Rule of thirds
Headshot Criteria
Overview Photo 10
In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take artistic photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. There is much to know in the field of Photography and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility.
( Class Guidelines/Expectations to be discussed)
Students are encouraged to use their phones as well as the digital slr cameras. School cameras will be available for student use in class and cameras may be able to be signed out with teacher permission to take home. If cameras are signed out they must be returned the next day or privileges will be revoked. There are 4 other large classes needing the use of cameras. Techniques on how to use your phones will be taught in class. It will be helpful for students to bring their own phone cords if uploading from their phones since there is not enough for every student in the class.
Requirements for success in this course:
UPDATE: ONLY 5 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation:
Criteria for Final Slideshow
The following assignments need to be completed:
TOP PRIORITY: Multiplicity shot is due Wed May 10 : It should be moved to the class folder on the M drive. It should be labeled by your name. Example: File name: Lisa Chase multiplicity.
Skate and Spring shots are due Mon May 15. Please put in your student folder on M Drive.
Working with 1 model of your choice, you should plan to photograph a collection of portraits. You will need 10 different shots of your model. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head/andor head and shoulder shots, several full body shots, a few creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props, gels covering the lights etc.These shots should not all be taken on the same day in the same outfit. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This should be part of getting ready for your assignment.
This assignment is worth 20 marks. Your portraits should be posted to M drive in the assignment folder.
You should research posing and plan your models and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. All portrait photos should be edited for cropping and lighting. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in art room 510 )
To get 10 really good photos you might need to take upwards of 40-60 shots of your model. Below is an example of a well done portrait shoot. We will have a lesson on this on Wed.