Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thurs Feb 6

NEW Assignment #4 Snow shots, get creative, choose to try out different angles and ideas in these photos.

5 shots ( 10 marks)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thurs Jan 30

 Photo composition is how a photographer arranges visual elements within their frameIt's a pleasing organization of objects within your rectangle.

Understanding Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that divides an image into nine equal parts to help create a well-balanced and visually interesting image
  • Divide the image into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines 
  • Place the subject in the left or right third of the image 
  • Place important elements along the lines or at their intersections 
Why it works 
  • Helps balance the subject with negative space
  • Draws the viewer's eye to the main focal point
  • Creates more tension, energy, and interest
How to use it
  • Most cameras and phones have a rule of thirds setting 
  • In landscape photography, the horizon line is often placed on a thirds line 
Example Rule of Thirds

Continue working on these assignments on your phone, they do not need to be uploaded today. Each person needs to take their own original photos. If you do not have a phone work with someone who has one. 

Assignment #1: Find your top 5 photos on your phone and upload to the Mdrive under Chase Photo10 in your folder, label them TOP 5. (5 marks)

Assignment #2: HEADSHOTS; take 5 head and shoulder shots, crop and edit and upload onto the M drive label folder HEADSHOTS (10 marks)

Headshot Criteria

  • background clean
  • good eye contact with camera
  • edited head and shoulders
  • pleasing to the eye
  • in focus
  • speaks to subject's personality
  • all headshots should be consistent
Assignment #3 : Find one object or person to shoot outside, shoot them 5 different ways, then choose your best photo and title it  BEST 1 Put all photos taken into the folder label it BEST on M drive.(10 marks)

Monday, August 28, 2023

Welcome to Photo 10 Tues Jan 28

Overview Photo 10

In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take artistic photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. There is much to know in the field of Photography and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility. 

( Class Guidelines/Expectations to be discussed)

Students are encouraged to use their phones as well as the digital slr cameras. School cameras will be available for student use in class and cameras may be able to be signed out with teacher permission to take home. If cameras are signed out they must be returned the next day or privileges will be revoked. There are 4 other large classes needing the use of cameras. Techniques on how to use your phones will be taught in class. It will be helpful for students to bring their own phone cords if uploading from their phones since there is not enough for every student in the class.

Requirements for success in this course:

  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own cell phone and charger cables 
  • use of class time effectively and respect for the freedom you have in this class, taking photos at home occasionally when you can so you can maximize your class time to edit
  • be a good model for your peers/help out others when you can
  • take photos outside of class as well as during class

Core Competencies

  • Critical and Creative thinking
  • Self and Social Responsibility
  • Visual Communication skills


Students will be assessed on the quality and effort put into their photo assignments. Criteria is focused on the Elements of Composition and the ability to compose creatively using effective angles,  shot set-up, and clarity of photos. Each assignment will focus on certain criteria that needs to be met.

The First Steps
  • Create a folder on the One Drive called Photo 10, then create a folder on the M drive under chase photo 10 by your first and last name
  • To set your Apple devices to take photos in JPEG/JPG instead of HEIC: Go to Settings,Tap Camera,Tap Formats,Tap Most Compatible

  • Open Photoshop and drag it to the desktop of your computer

Assignment #1: Find your top 5 photos on your phone and upload to the Mdrive under Chase Photo10 in your folder

Assignment #2: HEADSHOTS; take 5 head and shoulder shots, edit and upload onto the M drive label folder HEADSHOTS (10 marks)

Assignment #3 : Find one object or person to shoot outside, shoot them 5 different ways, then choose your best photo and title it BEST (10 marks)

Monday, June 5, 2023

Week of June 5

 UPDATE: ONLY 5 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation: 

Presentation due: Mon June 19 in class. All slideshows need to be in a movie file by your name and saved in the slideshow folder on the mdrive.

Priorities this week:
  • Any old work that is not completed should be done first
  • Overlay
  • Taking, organizing and putting photos into the slideshow
The slideshows are due on the date in class. You will receive 10 marks for presentation. If it is not ready for presentation, you will lose the 10 marks and the slideshow still has to be done. I will have you in during I week to complete the slideshow or any other assignments not completed.

 Criteria for Final Slideshow

  • Slideshow should include your best photos taken from the beginning of this class. All photos should be in focus and well composed and editedThere should be 35 shots in total,  but you can have more if you like.
  • 10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 25 need to betaken since the course started.
  • Try to include a variety of different shots. Include some macros, landscapes, portraits, and other creative shots. Try not to repeat similar shots.
  • You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive) if you are using Photostory in class. Feel free to use i movie or any other slideshow program.
  • You must save the final video in a shared group folder on the m drive  Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV is the correct file extention for Photostory Files), if that is the program you are using. i movie files are generally mp4 files.
  • photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
  • your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
  • You will be given 10 marks for having your slideshow ready on the day of viewing ( a bonus for meeting the deadline). As a class, we will set a deadline for this assignment to be viewed. I will show you may examples of high quality slideshows so you know what the expectations are.
  • This should be a collection of your BEST work only, get started NOW.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Week of May 23

 The following assignments need to be completed:

  • Portraits 10 shots 20 marks
  • Overlay in Photoshop...use a photo you already have 10 marks
  • Choose a song for your slideshow and let Ms Chase know if it needs to be downloaded
  • Begin choosing and taking photos for your final slideshow
  • Put your BEST photos into the Wow photos folder
ONLY 7 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation: 
Presentation due: Mon June 19 in class. All slideshows need to be in a movie file by your name and saved in the slideshow folder on the mdrive.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Week of May 8

TOP PRIORITY: Multiplicity shot is due Wed May 10 : It should be moved to the class folder on the M drive. It should be labeled by your name. Example: File name: Lisa Chase multiplicity.

Skate and Spring shots are due Mon May 15. Please put in your student folder on M Drive.

  • Skatepark shots (10) Focus on angles and edited. Can include people, objects, or the skatepark itself. Criteria: in focus, well composed, edited shots
  • Spring Shots (5) Evidence of spring...make sure each photo has a focal point
Finished all of this work...

  • make sure your term 3 work is moved and saved to your One drive
  • create your new term 4 folders: skate, spring, portraits, overlay, final slideshow
  • Begin the new Portrait Assignment ( see below)


Working with 1 model of your choice, you should plan to photograph a collection of portraits. You will need 10 different shots of your model. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head/andor head and shoulder shots, several full body shots, a few creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props, gels covering the lights etc.These shots should not all be taken on the same day in the same outfit. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This should be part of getting ready for your assignment.

This assignment is worth 20 marks. Your portraits should be posted to M drive in the assignment folder.  


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
  • shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
  • get out and shoot when the weather is good.

You should research posing and plan your models and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. All portrait photos should be edited for cropping and lighting. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse,  storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in art room 510 ) 

To get 10 really good photos you might need to take upwards of 40-60 shots of your model. Below is an example of a well done portrait shoot. We will have a lesson on this on Wed.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Week of May 1

Assignments you should be working on:

  • Multiplicity: minimum 4 shots rolled into one photoshop final piece, save as a jpg which means ( save as copy then change file to a jpg)
  • 10 Skatepark shots focused on angles ( can use people, objects or skatepark itself)
  • NEW Spring shots: 5 shots representing the concept of spring ( TIP there are bright orange tulips in the school garden)