UPDATE: ONLY 5 classes left until your SLIDESHOW presentation:
Presentation due: Mon June 19 in class. All slideshows need to be in a movie file by your name and saved in the slideshow folder on the mdrive.
Priorities this week:
- Any old work that is not completed should be done first
- Overlay
- Taking, organizing and putting photos into the slideshow
The slideshows are due on the date in class. You will receive 10 marks for presentation. If it is not ready for presentation, you will lose the 10 marks and the slideshow still has to be done. I will have you in during I week to complete the slideshow or any other assignments not completed.
Criteria for Final Slideshow
- Slideshow should include your best photos taken from the beginning of this class. All photos should be in focus and well composed and edited. There should be 35 shots in total, but you can have more if you like.
- 10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 25 need to betaken since the course started.
- Try to include a variety of different shots. Include some macros, landscapes, portraits, and other creative shots. Try not to repeat similar shots.
- You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive) if you are using Photostory in class. Feel free to use i movie or any other slideshow program.
- You must save the final video in a shared group folder on the m drive Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV is the correct file extention for Photostory Files), if that is the program you are using. i movie files are generally mp4 files.
- photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
- your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
- You will be given 10 marks for having your slideshow ready on the day of viewing ( a bonus for meeting the deadline). As a class, we will set a deadline for this assignment to be viewed. I will show you may examples of high quality slideshows so you know what the expectations are.
- This should be a collection of your BEST work only, get started NOW.