Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Check out these links for ideas for your final slideshow.

Make sure you are being safe...a lot of these photos have been edited, but experimenting is worth a try and can be a lot of fun.
 Click on link to watch video :A couple of Hacks to try at Home

Creative ideas in Photography ( lots of things to try here)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

All work to the end of term


Term 3  assignment carried over ( angles or multiplicity) = 20 marks

Macros 10 shots = 20 marks

Portraits 10 shots = 20 marks

Experimental 5 shots = 10 marks

Final Slideshow 45 marks ( 10 marks for presentation) DUE TUES JUNE 16  in class

35 photos , 10 of which can be taken before this class or include assignment photos, the rest should be taken of photos of things you are interested in.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Macro and Experimental Videos

Experimental Photos

Glass Ball Photography

Light Painting

Shooting Bubbles

Oil and water Macros



Wednesday, April 27, 2022

New Assignment: Macros

Macros: For our purposes macros are really just close up photos of objects. The closer you get to an object the more interesting it looks. You are to take 10 close up shots, trying to create art from your photographs. I want you to think, would I hang this on a wall? Is this a cool looking photo?

Criteria: Make sure you have enough lighting. Photos should be in focus, close-up or extreme close up, well composed and of interesting subject matter. Try using the phone macro lenses. Make sure you shoot a variety of shots.
SHOTS: 10 MARKS: 20 
Example: Birgit Power Great Collection of Macros 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Inspiration for Final Slideshow/Experimental Photography

  Criteria for Final Slideshow

  • Slideshow should include your best photos taken from the beginning of this class. All photos should be in focus and well composed and editedThere should be 35 shots in total,  but you can have more if you like.
  • 10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 25 need to be recently taken photos by you. 
  • Try to include a variety of different shots. Include some macros, landscapes, portraits, and other creative shots. Try not to repeat similar shots.
  • You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive) if you are using Photostory in class. Feel free to use i movie or any other slideshow program.
  • You must save the final video in a shared group folder on the m drive  Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV is the correct file extention for Photostory Files), if that is the program you are using. i movie files are generally mp4 files.
  • photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
  • your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
  • You will be given 10 marks for having your slideshow ready on the day of viewing ( a bonus for meeting the deadline). As a class, we will set a deadline for this assignment to be viewed. I will show you may examples of high quality slideshows so you know what the expectations are.
  • This should be a collection of your BEST work only, get started NOW.

Inspiration for your slideshow/Experimental Photos 10 shots:

Check out photographing food colour and milk:
Creative Abstract Food Colouring & Milk
Tips on how to shoot your pet: Pet Photography
Candlelight Photography: Taking Candlelight Photos
Flower Photography and a good review of Composition: Flower Photography
More tips on shooting Flowers
Still Life Photography: Still Life Photography
Video on a photographer's passion : Photographing Bubbles
Black and White and how to get better shots: Video on shooting in Black and White

Up and Coming...

Portraits 10 shots
Macros 10 shots
Experimental5 shots
Remember you are also shooting for your final slideshow in June. Start setting aside photos in a folder.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Continue working on term 3 work and final slideshow

 2.5 weeks until the end of term, all work needs to be marked by Ms Chase or put in your folder under Larizza Photo 10.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Term 3 Work for report cards mid April

 Assignment #1: 15 shots getting to know the camera manual functions ( 5 marks)

Assignment # 2: Freeze motion  10 photographs freezing motion. ( 10 marks)

Assignment # 3: Portrait Overlay ( 3 layers) 1 final photo (20 marks)

Assignment # 4:  Angles 3 photos from each different angle  (20 marks)

Assignment # 5 : Scavenger Hunt  20 photos and 5 can be replaced  (20 marks)

Assignment # 6:  Multiplicity 4 photos put into 1, taken from the same distance     (20 marks)

Friday, March 11, 2022


 What is photo composition? Photo composition is how a photographer arranges visual elements within their frame. “It's a pleasing organization of objects within your rectangle,” says photographer Adam Long. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022


Assignment # 6  NEW Multiplicity Shot: (20 marks) 

Step by Step Instructions for Doing the Shot ( 4 shots in one)

You should be going out with a partner, a digital slr camera and a tripod. Find a location that has a clean and interesting background. Start by taking some practice shots to make sure you are not too far away from your subject. Have your subject think about doing 4 different poses. Each pose will be a different shot. ALL OF THESE PHOTOS SHOULD BE SHOT ON THE SAME DAY. Come back to the class, and using the card reader upload the photos and save them in your folder and label  Multiplicity.

1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos.
2. Photos should be labelled: Background, Photo1,2,3,4.
3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to.
4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to.
5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected.
6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo( photo 1). It will not be exactly where you want it...so go to edit/transform/scale, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately. ( I will be marking to make sure your photos are not warped)
7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3
8. When finished, save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. 

Assignment #4 Scavenger Hunt and Assignment #5 Angles

Assignment #5: Angles Assignment: 


The angle refers to the degree at which the camera points towards the subject. Holding the camera at a horizontal level to the subject is known as 'eye-level angle', holding the camera facing downwards is known as 'high angle', and holding it facing upwards is known as 'low angle'.

The medium shot

 The medium shot may be similar to many of your typical photographs. A subject is captured from around the knees or waist to the top of the head. We can’t see their entire body, but we are close enough to establish a primary connection with the person. We can view aspects of the background that have been permitted to appear in the frame. Medium shots are the baseline of where we will begin. Not always the most interesting, but medium shots are fundamental.

The Close-up

More intimate and ‘in your face': the closeup aims at creating a stronger connection to the subject. Suddenly we can clearly see a person’s emotions and can easily connect with their humanity. If our subject is older, we may be able to see wrinkles of time, which tell a story within themselves. Close-ups are great when you want an intimate documentary style shot where the world disappears, and your subject is the clear focus.

Long Shot

Excellent for telling stories, long shots allow us to see not only our subject but also their environment. Depending on how a long shot is setup, we may find a person surrounded by their workspace, and thus we learn a bit more about their lives. Other times, a subject can be surrounded by seemingly endless isolated. Long shots help us to take photographs that establish a person’s position within the world.

The Dutch Angle

Becoming increasingly criticized for its modern overuse in still photography, Dutch angles can help to tell us something about the photograph or its subject is not entirely right. Typically used to depict the world on its side, Dutch angles can be artfully utilized to tell us that something is wrong. Maybe the subject is in danger, or their state of mind isn’t properly grounded.

Low Angle/Worm's Eye View

Taking a photograph from a low angle, also know as a ‘worm’s-eye view’, makes subjects appear larger than normal. The lens sees the scene from a point of humility while the subject towers over the world. A photograph taken from a low angle to help establish dominance or power.

High Angle

Looking at the exact opposite situation, the high angle can be used to make a subject appear small or vulnerable. Commonly known as the ‘bird’s-eye view’, shots like these may be used to signal that a subject is in danger or has lost dominance in their environment. Add a dutch angle and something bad is almost certainly about to happen.

 Extreme Close-up

The most intimate of all shots, the extreme close-up, goes beyond the standard close-up by focusing on a single feature. We may see a drop of sweat drip down a subject’s check or the fear in a pair of eyes. Close-ups may be shot with macro lenses due to how close they are to a subject. However they are shot, extreme close-ups allow us to get emotionally under the skin of our subjects.

Over the Shoulder shot

An over the shoulder shot can be used to show a relationship between another persona and our subject. We take a position next to the main subject getting close-up in their space and viewing the world as if we were standing with them. We may connect our model with a physical item or another individual within their space. The over the shoulder position places us within the world of the documented subject

More on Angles:https://truecenterpublishing.com/photopsy/camera_angles.htm


Assignment 4: Photography Scavenger Hunt 


  • Compose each shot meaningfully
  • Think about how to visually represent concepts
  • Have fun and remember:  leaving the room is a Privilege!
  • You may substitute 5 different photos for any you find difficult. 
 20 marks – quality, effort and composition     
  •  Sleeping in Class    
  •  Bird's eye view of two group member         
  • Worm's eye view of two group members
  •  make-up       
  • Recycling Superhero       
  • Something romantic         
  • Something heart-breaking
  • Close-up of something fascinating       
  • A logo   
  •  Strength       
  • The happiest student in the world     
  • a nice smile ( close up)       
  • A piece of garbage that looks like art      
  • Extreme texting      
  • Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil       
  • A picture of someone taking a picture       
  •  Dancing like nobody's watching
  •  Equality      
  •  Money       
  • A piece of nature

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

All work due Thursday Jan. 27

All of this work needs to be handed in on the M Drive to Ms Larizza or emailed to her at: etel.larizza@sd71.bc.ca

  • levitation ( 10 marks)
  • overlay (10 marks)
  • portrait slideshow  (30 marks)
  • Final Slideshow ( 30 photos review the criteria below) ( 50 marks)

Monday, January 17, 2022

All assignments due Friday Jan 28

Assignments this term:

  • levitation ( 10 marks)
  • overlay (10 marks)
  • portrait slideshow  (30 marks)
  • Final Slideshow ( 30 photos review the criteria below) ( 50 marks)

Hello students, there is a free Photoshop like program you could download at home if you need to do work at home in a Photoshoplike program. Continue to work hard and ask for help if you need it. Also use your time wisely!


Slideshows can also be done at home but you need to have all of your photos at home to do this.

1. Save everything to one drive for access at home

2. Copy all of your photos on a usb drive take home and put on your home computer

The Photostory program can be downloaded on a PC for free. For those of you with Macs use iMovie it is a simple program. Some of you might even be able to find a slideshow app on your phone....but you will need to get all of your final photos onto your phone.

No matter which way you look at it, the final slideshow is a BIG part of of your final mark so get it done!

If you have not done your Portrait slideshows, do not think I have not noticed. You have already lost 10 marks, so get it done and get MS Larizza to mark asap.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Welcome Back

 Hello photography students. I will be away until the end of term. I wanted you to know that I have been very pleased with the quality of work you have produced. I have not forgotten about our photo contest...and in semester 2, I will call a meeting of the winners to collect prizes, since I have so many prizes! Please continue to work hard over the next few weeks until the end of term so you can finish strong. Your final mark in the course will be an average of your term 1 and term 2 marks.

The following assignments need to be marked and completed before the end of term. Final slideshows will be presented the last week of term in class. Check with Ms Larizza ( the TOC) to make sure you have all of your work marked.

Assignments this term:

  • levitation ( 10 marks)
  • overlay (10 marks)
  • portrait slideshow ( I will be marking this unless you did not hand in before Christmas) (30 marks)
  • Final Slideshow ( 30 photos review the criteria below) ( 50 marks)

Even if you do not have enough photos to put in your slideshow make sure you complete the assignment with something to present. Not done will get you a zero, something done/some effort might just get you a passing grade. This assignment is worth 50 marks, so it should be top priority based on how much the assignment is worth.

Criteria for assignment:

  • Slideshow should include your best photos from the class. All photos should be in focus and well composed. There should be 30 shots total.
  • Remember 10 shots can be from assignments or from before this class, the rest should be other shots you have taken and can include some light photos
  • Include a variety of different shots. I do not want to see 30 dog shots, or 30 flower shots, or 30 ocean shots or a bunch of goofy shots of your friends. Try to include: macros, landscape, portraits, and other creative shots.
  • You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive under audio files)
  • You must save on the m drive under your class folder. Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV file extention for Photostory Files)
  • photos should have simple, non-distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
  • photos should be clear, well composed.
  • your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
This slideshow will be graded based on the following criteria:
  • Quality of photography which includes, clarity, composition, choice of subject matter
  • A variety of styles of photography, editing work etc
  • Choreography which involves timing, transitions, photo order, and connection to music
  • Overal impression based on the feeling created from the slideshow, artistic nature of the work, experimentation, and general wow factor
Inspiration for your slideshow:
Check out photographing food colour and milk:
Creative Abstract Food Colouring & Milk
Tips on how to shoot your pet: Pet Photography
Candlelight Photography: Taking Candlelight Photos
Flower Photography and a good review of Composition: Flower Photography
More tips on shooting Flowers
Still Life Photography: Still Life Photography
Video on a photographer's passion : Photographing Bubbles
Black and White linen how to get better shots:Video on shooting in Black and White