Sunday, February 28, 2021

This Week in Photography

LECTURE FROM MS CHASE: After spending a lot of time marking on the weekend, I am very disappointed in the amount of work that is still incomplete. The good news is what I did see was of decent quality. May I remind you to use your class time effectively and if you cannot seem to manage this, then you should be in during flex time or using your phone cameras to do homework in this class. This means shooting at home and loading your shots onto Flickr from the Flickr Photo App. The bad news for some of you is since we are at the half way point in the course, I have to email/call parents this week and let them know you have an Incomplete so far in this course. You can still get the work done and I will still mark the work up until Fri. March 12. ALL WORK MUST BE FULLY COMPLETE AND ON FLICKR IN ALBUMS TO BE MARKED.

Use this week to get caught up on all assignments that are incomplete. You have until FRIDAY MARCH 12 to complete all incomplete work, including the MACRO assignment. If the work is NOT done by this date, zeros will be replace the Incomplete status.



click on to see by Lauren Luksay by Ella Oldaker


THIS WILL BE THE ONLY NEW ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS WEEK: only move on to this if all other work is fully complete. Reminder you can always work on getting good photos for your year end slideshow as well.

Black and White Photography: 5 shots. The Focus of Black and White Photography is on CONTRAST. Use Photoshop to edit your photos so you can use lightness and contrast when editing. But keep in mind it is not as simple as shooting anything and then turning it to black and white. Green and red show up as grey in black and white photography. You should experiment and try to aim for artistic photographs in this assignment. Choosing what you shoot will be as important as how you shoot. For example turning a photo of a garbage can into black and white technically meets the criteria, but shooting a white moon shell on a black background will get you a way better grade because the subject matter is more artistic.

LINK: read through Black and White Photography

LINK: examples of Black & White Images

Ansel Adams (February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American landscape photographer and environmentalist known for his black-and-white images of the American West. He helped found Group f/64, an association of photographers advocating "pure" photography which favored sharp focus and the use of the full tonal range of a photograph.  Adams was a life-long advocate for environmental conservation, and his photographic practice was deeply entwined with this advocacy. At age 12, he was given his first camera during his first visit to Yosemite National Park. 

LINK TO some of Adam's work Ansel Adams

2 min video on tips for shooting in Black and White

Video is a short showcase of some interesting black and white photography.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Class

 Lesson on Manual shooting: Show video from last day's post.

The following assignments are due by the end of this week. Saturday 12 noon is the deadline for these assignments to be completed. All work should be in albums on Flickr. A reminder you are being marked for having your Flickr organized, buddy icon and background photo changed. Make sure the ghost shot assignment is a photo you have taken. Reminder Flex block is available for you to complete any assignments that are unfinished.

  1. Flickr set-up: 10 marks
  2. Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
  3. Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
  4. Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
  5. Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
  6. Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
  7. Composition Test: 10 marks
We will be moving on to a new small assignment next week so you will continue to have tome to shoot macros next week as well.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wed/Thurs/Fri classes

These Assignments are due by the end of this week. Saturday 12 noon is the deadline for these assignments to be completed.

  1. Flickr set-up: 10 marks
  2. Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
  3. Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
  4. Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
  5. Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
  6. Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
  7. Composition Test: 10 marks
A Refresher: Instructions for Ghost Shot assignment: 
Bring in a high quality photo into photoshop. Use the quick selection tool to go around your original image, edit cut, edit paste onto new background or existing photo. Then go to Opacity which is over on the right hand side just above layers. Slide the opacity tool to make the image less opaque. Repeat the same steps for the third image.

Things to Remember when Shooting Macros/Close-ups

  • make sure you have a clear focal point
  • make sure that your focal point is in focus
  • some people are taking photos too close or zooming in too much in editing which is causing the photos to be fuzzy. On the other hand, some of you are not getting close enough to your subject
  • keep your composition simple, adding 3-4 objects into the composition just makes it cluttered and makes it difficult to determine the focal point.
  • If it is nice out, your best choice is to take your objects outside to shoot because the light is better
  • Remember your photos should be edited for cropping and lighting before posting to Flickr
When shooting: Go out and shoot your object from 3-5 different angles, or choose 3-4 different backgrounds for the shot. For 10 good shots, you should probably be out shooting 30-40 shots. Take your time, we are not in a rush to complete the assignment. Below are some examples of solid macros.

Link to Macro Album: Macro album on Flickr

WATCH: Peter McKinnon video on a hack on how to get closer to shoot macros. Please note, getting super close is not expected. I am more interested in you taking decent close-up shots that are in focus. But feel free to experiment and give it a try, it just might turn out looking cool.

VIDEO on ideas of things to shoot at home. Show only up tp 5:30 min. The focus of this video is to show how important it is to take the time to set up your shots.

SHOW CLASS ON FRIDAY and other class next week. Then allow time for completing assignments and shooting Macros/Close-ups.

Working in Manual Mode: an overview

LINK TO: working in manual mode

Manual Chart Link: Cheat sheet for beginners

Show video: Is a good example of how the manual functions work on the camera.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Mon/Tues Feb.22-23 Macros or Close Up Shots

Macros/Close-up shots: For this assignment you are to get close up and see things from a different perspective. You need to look at the ordinary in an an extraordinary way. This might be an opportunity to try using manual focus so that you can be in control of the clarity of your shots. Lighting will be essential, shooting in natural outside light is best, but shooting in the light boxes will also work well. Setting up your shot will be important, so do not grab an object and shoot them all on the tables. Use the background cloths that are available and take the time to compose your shots. You should be aware that you are working with an 18-55 mm lens on the digital SLR cameras so the camera will only let you go 12-18 inches from your subject. Camera phones should work especially well for this assignment, but make sure your phones are set on the highest quality output.

Read these tips on Macros

How to get stunning macros with your phone camera

Criteria: You are expected to complete 10 shots with a good variety of shots. I do not want to see 10 leaf and flowers shots.You must have a focal point, your photos must be in focus, have a clean background, use light appropriately and photos must be taken of interesting subject matter. You need to think about how you want to compose the shot. Try to get shots that are creative and different. You will EDIT in Photoshop or on a camera phone app. then post them up to Flickr in an album called MACROS. 10 SHOTS = 20 marks

Show Both Videos 

Students can spend time outside or in the classroom taking photos. OBJECTS CAN BE TAKEN OUTSIDE, BUT PLEASE RETURN AND RESPECT THE ITEMS.

Friday, February 12, 2021



Update of Assignments so far:

  1. Flickr set-up: 10 marks
  2. Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
  3. Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
  4. Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
  5. Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
  6. Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
  7. Composition Test: 10 marks
Upcoming Assignments for the term
  • Macros/Close-Ups
  • Blk and White
  • Photo Challenge
  • Portraits one model
  • Slideshow 35 photos
Circles Squared: Photos by Jemima

Photo by Kody Dishelvoy

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wed./Thurs Photo 10

Next Week 10 mark test on Composition

NEW Duplicity Shot: (20 marks) 

Step by Step Instructions for Duplicity Shot ( 4 shots in one)

You should be going out with a partner, a digital slr camera and a tripod. Find a location that has a clean and interesting background. Start by taking some practice shots to make sure you are not too far away from your subject. Have your subject think about doing 4 different poses. Each pose will be a different shot. ALL OF THESE PHOTOS SHOULD BE SHOT ON THE SAME DAY. Come back to the class, and using the card reader upload the photos onto your ldrive under the folder Photo10.

1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos.
2. Photos should be labelled: Original, Photo1,2,3.
3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to.
4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to.
5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected.
6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo. It will not be exactly where you want go to edit/transform/scale, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately. ( I will be marking to make sure your photos are not warped)
7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3
8. When finished, save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. The jpeg version can be posted to Flickr. in an album called Duplicity. 


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Mon/Tues classes

 1. Composition Links :You will need to study/review the composition links for a test next week.

LINK: 10 questions to ask before taking a photo

LINK: Good article on Composition Basics (read on your own time)

LINK: Photo Composition 1

Videos by Peter McKinnon on Composition.

link to video#1: composition1

link to video #2:composition2



3. New Assignment:  Create an album on Flickr called Composition and place all the photos in the album. Make sure you write down the photo type under the description of each photo: 20 marks


  • 2 Fill the Frame
  • 2 Rule of thirds
  • 2 Leading lines
  • 2 Framing
  • 1 Simplicity
  • 1 Rule of Odds
  • For those hose who have taken photography before choose 5 shots from above (1 fill the frame, 1 leading lines, 1 framing, 1 simplicity and 1rule of odds) and then complete 5 creative shots using the glass balls.
Link to Article: Glass ball photography

Click on link: Glass ball photos

4. Time to shoot outside 35 min., come back upload, edit, upload to Flickr.

 5. Phone Setting for Better Photos: Show at end of class


Friday, February 5, 2021

Friday Feb 5

1. Review

2. Composition review/ video

3. New Assignment: Composition 10 shots Create an album on Flickr called Composition and place all the phots in the album. Make sure you write down the photo type under the description: 20 marks

  • 2 Fill the Frame
  • 2 Rule of thirds
  • 2 Leading lines
  • 2 Framing
  • 1 Simplicity
  • 1 Rule of Odds
4. Those who have taken photography before choose 5 shots from above(1 fill the frame, 1 leading lines, 1 framing, 1 simplicity and 1rule of odds) and then complete 5 creative shots using the glass balls.

Link to Article: Glass ball photography

Click on link: Glass ball photos

Example of Leading Lines

Example of Framing

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wed/Thurs Photo 10 first Shoot

    1.    Assignment #1 Flickr Organization (Review) go to Flickr and review the basics

  1. Create a Flickr account (use your real name and spring 2021)
  2. Make Ms. Chase a contact
  3. Create 2-3 other contacts 
  4. Create a buddy icon ( photo of you)
  5. Change your background photo on Flickr 
  6. Grade 9 photo students from last year put old photos into a separate folder. 
  7. Install the Flickr App on your phone for fast and easy uploads. 
  8. Join the Mark Isfeld Photo group. 
  9. Make sure when you upload photos all your photos are public   Marks: 10
    2. 10 Questions to Ask When Taking a Photo LINK: 10 Questions

   3. Review Photoshop and Flickr lesson: basic editing (crop and lighting)

   4. Assignments #2: Headshots, 5 decent photos of 5 different people. Go out for 35    minutes to take photos, come back to upload and edit. Review criteria below.

Headshot Criteria

background clean

good eye contact with camera

edited head and shoulders

pleasing to the eye

in focus

speaks to subject's personality

5. Review Uploading Photos: You will need to get a card reader/or use your phone cord from the teacher or upload directly to the Flickr App

  • Get a card reader from the teacher( there is not enough for everyone so you will need to share.)
  • Insert the card into the card reader and then plug into the usb port 
  • Click on the drive( usually the c drive) on the left hand side, and then upload photos or copy/paste your images either on the M drive. Make sure you create a new folder and call it HEADSHOTS. This will be important so you keep all of your photos organized.
  • Once you have edited them in Photoshop, upload to Flickr. Put into an album called Headshots
  • If uploading directly to Flickr from your phone, use a photo app to edit photos before uploading to Flickr

Lesson at the end of class
Elements of Composition: LINK: Review of Basic Composition
Tips for Taking Good Photos Video