Portraits: 10 in slideshow set to music for 30 marks slideshow is worth 10 marks DUE DEC 14/15
Levitation: 1 Photo: 10 marks
Overlay: Background photo, plus one of your own put together into a new shot: 15 marks
Light photos: 10 photos see below 20 marks
Final Slideshow, 30 shots of your best work 50 marks. Use your time to edit, weed through to find your best photos for your final slideshow. Put them in a folder.
Program for transferring videos from home use: https://wetransfer.com/ ( free program) to email to me at school. This way you do not lose quality.
If you are done everything, you can move onto light photography. Read instructions and watch video first.
LIGHT PHOTOS ASSIGNMENT: You are to take 5 light photos experimenting with manual settings (slow shutter speed). I would like you to try to use photoshop to edit and maybe combine a few photos together. Try different effects so that all photos do not look the same.This assignment focuses on creativity in creating and editing. Marks 10
Here are some helpful bits of information to help you with Light Photography.
SETTINGS: Make sure camera and lens are on manual. Move settings to the following:
SHUTTER SPEED:10 sec- 30 sec
Space: anywhere where you can get as full darkness as possible. But you could experiment in any light, even if not fully dark. The back photo room in the Art room can be used. IF USING THE DRAMA ROOM, YOU ARE ONLY IN THE CHANGE ROOM WITH PERMISSION from me or MR Smith. NO ONE SHOULD BE ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE DRAMA ROOM.
Here is a list of the Term 2 Assignments we are currently working on...no deadlines yet.
Levitation: One shot 10 marks
Overlay: One very creative shot using at least one photo you have taken 15 marks
Portraits: One model preferred 10 shots. Including a variety of head, and full body shots, focus on eye contact and clean backgrounds. To be put into a slideshow set to music. 30 marks
Overlay Assignment to be done on Photoshop. The purpose of this assignment is to try to use Photoshop tools to create an artistic photo. The idea is to combine two or more photos together to do this. At least one photo needs to be yours.
Criteria: Make sure you use photoshop to put the two photos together. Play with the lighting tools, and opacity to get the look you want. When happy with your photo, save it as a jpeg in your student file on the Mdrive. Marks: 15
See examples below, if you missed the lesson on how to do this ask Ms Chase to show you again.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Working with 1 or 2 models of your choice, you should plan to photograph portraits. You will need 10 different shots of your models. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props, gels covering the lights etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This should be part of getting ready for your assignment. This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Mdrive and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow, set to music for viewing. If you do not meet the deadline for the slideshow, you will receive a zero for the presentation portion of the assignment.
plan your shots/shoot
be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
choose a good background
use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
get out and shoot when the weather is good.
You should research posing and plan your models and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. All portrait photos should be edited for cropping and lighting. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in the art room )
To get 10 really good photos you might need to take upwards of 40 shots of your model.
How can you make your photos extraordinary? Be inspired by Von Wong, a Vancouver based photographer.
Monday, November 8, 2021
NEW assignment:
Levitation: You are to take a photo to look like you are flying or floating. Then you are to bring it into Photoshop and either use the select/cut/paste option or erase out the stool etc You can always choose to put it onto a new background.
Marks 10: Criteria: make it look as realistic as possible. try to be creative in your photo choices, clear focus.
Ms Chase is away today, please continue working on the following in order of priority:
any unfinished assignments ( old work)
lego ( 5 shots ) and halloween shots ( 5 shots), do not forget to put in both the assignment folder and in the context folder on the m drive. Please make sure the shots are different from each other.
You could begin portraits (10 shots of 2 different people)
editing and organizing old photos in order to pick the best ones for your final slideshow
preparing for your composition at the end of next week.
You are to take 5 shots of Halloween candy, vary the shots, try to make them different. The top 5 best shots in each class will win a prize. Marks 10 Criteria: in focus, up close, creative composition, variety of different shots. Please put in folder on M DRIVE.
You are to take 5 shots of Lego pieces or Lego people or create a scene, vary the shots, try to make them different. The top 5 best shots in each class will win a prize. Marks 10 Criteria: in focus, up close, creative composition, variety of different shots. Please put in folder on M DRIVE.
Coming soon Portraits
Working with 2 models of your choice, you should plan to set up a portrait shoot. You will need 10 different shots combined of both models. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, several full body shots. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. This assignment is worth 20 marks.
plan your shots/shoot
be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
choose a good background
use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
So maybe you can research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in the art room ) Video: How to take good portraits Portraits in the sun McKinnon Photography Portraits video link on guy poses
1. 5 visually pleasing photos: marked by teacher at desk, focus on composition 10 marks
2. 5 headshots ( in folder on Mdrive) 10 marks
3. Scavenger Hunt, list photos by name and put on Mdrive in folder. 20 marks Will not be marked if they are not in the folder on mdrive by Friday Oct 15
4. Photoshopped Ghost shot, put on Mdrive also due this Friday Oct 15
NEW Duplicity Shot: (20 marks) (no deadline yet)
Step by Step Instructions for Duplicity Shot ( 4 shots in one)
You should be going out with a partner, a digital slr camera and a tripod. Find a location that has a clean and interesting background. Start by taking some practice shots to make sure you are not too far away from your subject. Have your subject think about doing 4 different poses. Each pose will be a different shot. ALL OF THESE PHOTOS SHOULD BE SHOT ON THE SAME DAY. Come back to the class, and using the card reader upload the photos and save them in a folder called DUPLICITY.
1. If you need to crop or edit for lighting, do this first to all photos. 2. Photos should be labelled: Original, Photo1,2,3. 3. Open Original photo in Photoshop. This is the photo you will be adding the other photos to. 4. Next open Photo 1 in a new tab, use the selection tool ( the fourth tool down on the left) to select around the photo, it does not have to be perfect since you can erase if you have to. 5. Next go to edit/cut and cut out the image you have just selected. 6. Open your original photo and edit/paste it in the the original photo. It will not be exactly where you want it...so go to edit/transform/scale, hit apply or the return button. Then using the move tool ( top on left) move the photo where you want it. If scaling it up or down, make sure to hold the shift key when scaling so you resize proportionately. ( I will be marking to make sure your photos are not warped) 7. Continue the same for photo 2 and 3 8. When finished, save a Photoshop version and a jpeg version. The jpeg version can be posted to Flickr. in an album called Duplicity.
So here is the checklist of things to consider when you head out to shoot or when you are editing your photos. A REVIEW.
Is the horizon straight?
Is the subject strong and obvious within the image?
Are the edges of the frame clean? Is anything poking into the frame that distract the viewer? Are there elements of the image that lead the eye out of the frame that could be positioned better?
Is the background clean – are there distracting elements like a car parked in the background, or a fence or a house that doesn’t fit? Can you move or change the angle to remove that element?
Is the foreground tidy? Are you shooting a landscape or natural scene where there might be branches or leaves or twigs in the foreground that could be tidied away?
The position of people in the shot. Do they have a lamp post or a tree growing out of the top of their head? Have you chopped heads, feet, arms, or legs off?
Eye contact – when shooting a group of people, do we have eye contact with all your subjects?
Camera position – are you at the right height/angle for the best composition?
Take a photo of this list with your phone so you have it with you when you go out to shoot. This assignment can be shot with the digital SLR cameras or on your phone, but I would like you to try to use the digital cameras 20 marks
a reflection shot
a shadow shot
worm's eye view shot ( shot at ground level)
something in bloom
something red
a typical or non typical "selfie"
your choice creative shot
something dead ( no people pleaseLOL)
a shot that reflects the concept of isolation
BONUS: make a piece of garbage look like a piece of art shot
Please do not reuse any old shots from before this class.
Keep in mind all of the elements of composition, especially focal point.
This is not a simply go out and get the shot then check it off your list. I want you to think about how you can make these shots different from each other and artistic.Try to look at this assignment from a creative point of view
In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take artistic photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. There is much to know in the field of Photography and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other. This class will allow a fair bit of freedom, but with this freedom comes responsibility.
( Class Guidelines/Expectations to be discussed)
This year will be a bit different from years past. Students are encouraged to use their phones for taking photos due to Covid. School cameras will be available for student use in class and cameras may be able to be signed out with teacher permission to take home. If cameras are signed out they must be returned the next day or privileges will be revoked. There are 3 other large classes needing the use of cameras. Techniques on how to use your phones will be taught in class. It will be helpful for students to bring their phone cords if uploading from their phones.
Requirements for success in this course:
a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
your own cell phone and charger cables
use of class time effectively and respect for the freedom you have in this class, taking photos at home occasionally when you can so you can maximize your class time to edit
be a good model for your peers/help out others when you can
Core Competencies
Critical and Creative thinking
Self and Social Responsibility
Visual Communication skills
Students will be assessed on the quality and effort put into their photo assignments. Criteria is focused on the Elements of Composition and the ability to compose creatively using effective angles, shot set-up, and clarity of photos. Each assignment will focus on certain criteria that needs to be met.
The First Steps
Create a folder on the L drive called Photo 10, then create a folder on the M drive under Photography by name
Open Photoshop and Photo Story and drag them to the desktop of your computer
All cameras and cards are to be signed in and out in the sign out book at the front of class every class( explain process)
When students go out to take photos they should be back in class 10 minutes before the end of class, it is essential to use your class time effectively
Camera Basics
Uploading Photos: You will need to get a card reader/or use your phone cord from the teacher or upload your photos. Please put these photos in a folder in the following folder.
(Mdrive, Chase/Larizza Photo2023/Photo 10)
Get a card reader from the teacher( there is not enough for everyone so you will need to share.)
Insert the card into the card reader and then plug into the usb port
Click on the drive ( usually the c drive) on the left hand side, and then upload photos or copy/paste your images on the M drive. Make sure you create a new folder and call it VISUALLY PLEASING PHOTOS. This will be important so you keep all of your photos organized.
Once you have edited them your phone or in Photoshop, upload them. Put into an album called VISUALLY PLEASING PHOTOS
Even if you do not have enough photos to put in your slideshow make sure you complete the assignment with something to present. Not done will get you an incomplete which means you will still have to do the slideshow to pass the class.This assignment is worth 50 marks.
The slideshows will be shown in class on Tues April 20 and Wed April 21 no exceptions. After your slideshow you should prioritize any Photoshop work that needs to be done. Your deadline for all other assignments is the end of the week: Fri. April 23. Please email me if you were unable to complete the slideshow, or are missing any other major assignments.
Criteria for assignment:
Slideshow should include your best photos from the class. All photos should be in focus and well composed. There should be 30 shots total.
10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 20 need to be recently taken photos by you.
Try to include a variety of different shots. Include: macros, landscape, portrait, and other creative shots.
You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive)
You must save on the m drive under your class folder. Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV file extention for Photostory Files)
photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
Mon/Wed classes you only have 2 classes this week and 1 class next week to get your slideshows done. Tues/Thurs classes this week you have 3 classes to finish up your slideshow.
Final Slideshow 30 photos = 50 marks Saved to the M drive and ready to be to be presented on Tues/Wed April 20 & 21 in class. Remember only 10 out of 30 photos can be assignment photos or photos taken within the last year by you. The rest should be ones not used for assignments and used specifically for your slideshow. Please note I have shortened your slideshow to only 30 shots.
Even if you do not have enough photos to put in your slideshow make sure you complete the assignment with something to present next week. Not done will get you a zero, something done/some effort might just get you a passing grade. This assignment is worth 50 marks, so it should be your first priority this week.
The slideshows will be shown in class on Tues April 20 and Wed April 21 no exceptions. After your slideshow you should prioritize any Photoshop work that needs to be done.
Criteria for assignment:
Slideshow should include your best photos from the class. All photos should be in focus and well composed. There should be 30 shots total.
10 of these photos can be from before this class/assignment photos from the class, but the other 20 need to be recently taken photos by you.
Try to include a variety of different shots. I do not want to see 30 dog shots, or 30 flower shots, or 30 ocean shots. Try to include: macros, landscape, portrait, and other creative shots.
You must include music that works well with your slideshow NO SWEARS!!!(some mp3 audio files are on the m drive)
You must save on the m drive under your class folder. Your file name should include your first and last name (WMV file extention for Photostory Files)
photos should have simple, non distracting transitions, and be timed 3.5-4.5 seconds in length
your name should be on the first slide of the slideshow
Welcome back, I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break.There is approximately 3 weeks left in the term which translates into approximately 6 classes left to complete all of the work in the term.
The following assignments are due no later than FRI. APRIL 23 ON FLICKR, but I would prefer to have the scavenger hunt photos, double exposure and black and white photos wrapped up by the end of this week:
Scavenger Hunt Photos: 15 photos in one album on Flickr = 30 marks
Portraits 10 shots edited ( 1 model) = 20 marks
Overlay/Double exposure ( post to Flickr and put on the M drive) 20 marks
Blk and White Photos 5 shots =10 marks
Final Slideshow 30 photos = 50 marks Saved to the M drive and ready to be to be presented on Tues/Wed April 20 & 21 in class. Remember only 10 out of 30 photos can be assignment photos or photos taken within the last year by you. The rest should be ones not used for assignments and used specifically for your slideshow. Please note I have shortened your slideshow to only 30 shots.
Lesson on PhotoStory 3: Unless you have i Movie on your computer, laptop, or phone, or another program you know how to use well, you should be using Photostory 3 program on the school computers to produce your Photo Slideshow. STUDENTS WHO TOOK THIS CLASS LAST YEAR, PLEASE HELP OUT THE OTHER STUDENTS!
1. You will import your photos into Photostory by opening Photostory and going to Import Photos. Make a point of saving your project every time you go into the program to add photos or edit. Once you save your slideshow, you will find it under My Videos on your L Drive.
2.You will need to go into customize motions to edit the timing and framing of the shots. Each shot should be timed around 3.5-4 seconds in length. Try to keep your start and end positions quite close in size. If it goes from really small to really large, the slideshow will blip the photos or zoom them in and out too fast. You do not want to have your photos scrolling in and out of the frame, the less movement the better.
3. Do not use the music in Photostory (BAD CHOICE) choose from audio files on the m drive or download your own music by going to a You Tube to mp3 downloader.
4. Choose one transition and stick with it, a fade is probably best.
5. Do not use the Photostory Editor and do not over edit your photos.
6. Your working project file is a WP3 file and once you are satisfied with your slideshow you will combine the music and video by clicking next all the way to the end. Your final file name should have your name on it and be a WMV file. lisachasephotostory.wmv You do not need to type in wmv, it will do this automatically when you press next.
7. You will be saving the file to the M drive under your class folder. Make sure your name is on the video file, and it says wmv after your name. If you are using another program like i movie make sure you can transfer the file onto the school computers with a jump drive/cable and then place the file in the proper folder. Check to make sure you can do this before the day it is due.
If you have finished everything you could begin working on PORTRAITS
These assignments will all be due Fri April 9 if possible
Final Slideshow: All photos should be edited and be the best quality photos you have taken. This work is a collection or showcase of the best work you have done all term. 35 shots in total. This slideshow will be due and ready to be shown on Mon April 19 and Tues April 20 in class.
For the Slideshow, 10 of these shots can be from assignments we have done in class or ones that you have taken before class, but they should not be more than a year old. The other 20 should be your choice but should be very high quality, edited and not similar to other shots. This slideshow will be set to music. Your focus should be on getting good photos this week and over the March Break. We will work on putting the slideshow together when you get back from the break.
Portrait Assignment: 10 photos of one model taken on different days. Shots should show a variety of poses and a mixture of type of shots.) close up, head and shoulders, full body etc) You should pick your best 10 photos. Criteria: I will be looking for crisp in focus shots, closeness to the model, clean backgrounds and great lighting. The person you are taking the photos of is your best resource....if they do not like the photo of themselves, do not put it in your album. All photos should be in an album on Flickr. 20 marks. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots even on different days, including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, a couple of full body shots, a few creative shots using props etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model. To get 10 good shots you may need to take 30 or more shots.
get ideas for your shoot
be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk: outdoors)
choose a good background
use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, sport equipment, pumpkin etc)
shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.
Research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields. )
SHOW THIS VIDEO: Really good example of how to do a portrait shoot and how many photos you need to take to get 10 good photos. Also shows the importance of editing.Video 5 min on How to Pose Guys
A note for everyone: I had peviously said that you had to do 15 Macros but I am going to let you away with only doing 10....if you have already shot 15 use 5 for your final slideshow. Please make sure you are however giving me 10 of your very best artistic macros.
NEW Photo Assignment this week: Scavenger Hunt 15 shots = 30 marks
Take a photo of this list with your phone so you have it with you when you go out to shoot
a pet photo
a reflection portrait
a covid shot
a shadow shot
worm's eye view shot ( shot at ground level)
water shot ( any kind of water)
something in bloom
something red
a typical or non typical "selfie"
your choice creative shot
a landscape shot
make a piece of garbage look like a piece of art shot
a shot that reflects the concept of freedom
a shot that reflects the concept of isolation
Please do not reuse any old shots from before this class. Keep in mind all of the elements of composition, especially focal point. This is not a simply go out and get the shot then check it off your list. I want you to think about how you can make these shots different from each other and artistic.
So here is the checklist of things to consider when you head out to shoot or when you are editing your photos. A REVIEW.
Is the horizon straight?
Is the subject strong and obvious within the image?
Are the edges of the frame clean? Is anything poking into the frame that distract the viewer? Are there elements of the image that lead the eye out of the frame that could be positioned better?
Is the background clean – are there distracting elements like a car parked in the background, or a fence or a house that doesn’t fit? Can you move or change the angle to remove that element?
Is the foreground tidy? Are you shooting a landscape or natural scene where there might be branches or leaves or twigs in the foreground that could be tidied away?
The position of people in the shot. Do they have a lamp post or a tree growing out of the top of their head? Have you chopped heads, feet, arms, or legs off?
Eye contact – when shooting a group of people, do we have eye contact with all your subjects?
Camera position – are you at the right height/angle for the best composition?
Point of focus – when taking photos of people/creatures/animals have you focused on the eye? Do you have a catchlight in the eye?
The following work must be completed by Friday and will be marked. Any work not completed will receive zero.
Flickr set-up: 10 marks
Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
Composition Test and/or RETEST: 10 marks
Macros 10 shots : 20 marks
Today work on Your Overlay/Double Exposure assignment. You can also work on shooting/organizing photos for your final slideshow. The slideshow will be 30 photos in length and should be composed of your best work. You will likely need about 20 NEW photos for the slideshow, 10 photos can be from the past or photos from assignments in class.
There will be a new Photo assignment given to you later this week which will be quite large so make sure all of your current work is completed before you move on to any new assignments.
2. Lesson on How to do an overlay. For students who were in grade 9 last year or those of you who want to challenge yourself, you might want to try a more complicated double exposure. See videos below.
Photo Overlay: See the following samples to help you get ideas. Feel free to play with the opacity and lighting in Photoshop. Please post this assignment on Flickr 20 marks
BASIC OVERLAY STEPS: Take a profile photo and find a cool background on google. The background should be a high resolution photo. Bring both photos into Photoshop. Next you will use the quick selection tool to cut out the head, EDIT/CUT and then paste onto the background photo. EDIT/PASTE. Then you might want to use EDIT/TRANSFORM/SCALE ( to make it smaller or larger) then place the head where you want it on the background. Do not forget to use the MOVE tool to move the head where you want it. You can play with opacity, lighting effects or even the eraser tool to get the effect you want.
LECTURE FROM MS CHASE: After spending a lot of time marking on the weekend, I am very disappointed in the amount of work that is still incomplete. The good news is what I did see was of decent quality. May I remind you to use your class time effectively and if you cannot seem to manage this, then you should be in during flex time or using your phone cameras to do homework in this class. This means shooting at home and loading your shots onto Flickr from the Flickr Photo App. The bad news for some of you is since we are at the half way point in the course, I have to email/call parents this week and let them know you have an Incomplete so far in this course. You can still get the work done and I will still mark the work up until Fri. March 12. ALL WORK MUST BE FULLY COMPLETE AND ON FLICKR IN ALBUMS TO BE MARKED.
Use this week to get caught up on all assignments that are incomplete. You have until FRIDAY MARCH 12 to complete all incomplete work, including the MACRO assignment. If the work is NOT done by this date, zeros will be replace the Incomplete status.
THIS WILL BE THE ONLY NEW ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS WEEK: only move on to this if all other work is fully complete. Reminder you can always work on getting good photos for your year end slideshow as well.
Black and White Photography: 5 shots. The Focus of Black and White Photography is on CONTRAST. Use Photoshop to edit your photos so you can use lightness and contrast when editing. But keep in mind it is not as simple as shooting anything and then turning it to black and white. Green and red show up as grey in black and white photography. You should experiment and try to aim for artistic photographs in this assignment. Choosing what you shoot will be as important as how you shoot. For example turning a photo of a garbage can into black and white technically meets the criteria, but shooting a white moon shell on a black background will get you a way better grade because the subject matter is more artistic.
Ansel Adams(February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American landscape photographer and environmentalist known for his black-and-white images of theAmerican West. He helped foundGroup f/64, an association of photographers advocating "pure" photography which favored sharp focus and the use of the full tonal range of a photograph. Adams was a life-long advocate for environmental conservation, and his photographic practice was deeply entwined with this advocacy. At age 12, he was given his first camera during his first visit toYosemite National Park.
Lesson on Manual shooting: Show video from last day's post.
The following assignments are due by the end of this week. Saturday 12 noon is the deadline for these assignments to be completed. All work should be in albums on Flickr. A reminder you are being marked for having your Flickr organized, buddy icon and background photo changed. Make sure the ghost shot assignment is a photo you have taken. Reminder Flex block is available for you to complete any assignments that are unfinished.
Flickr set-up: 10 marks
Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
Composition Test: 10 marks
We will be moving on to a new small assignment next week so you will continue to have tome to shoot macros next week as well.
These Assignments are due by the end of this week. Saturday 12 noon is the deadline for these assignments to be completed.
Flickr set-up: 10 marks
Headshots 5 different, 1 of yourself : 10 marks
Composition: various shots 10: 20 marks
Duplicity 1 shot ( 4 into 1) : 20 marks
Photoshop #1 Ghost Shots 3 shots opacity change: 10 marks
Circled Squared: 5 shots: 10 marks
Composition Test: 10 marks
A Refresher: Instructions for Ghost Shot assignment:
Bring in a high quality photo into photoshop. Use the quick selection tool to go around your original image, edit cut, edit paste onto new background or existing photo. Then go to Opacity which is over on the right hand side just above layers. Slide the opacity tool to make the image less opaque. Repeat the same steps for the third image.
Things to Remember when Shooting Macros/Close-ups
make sure you have a clear focal point
make sure that your focal point is in focus
some people are taking photos too close or zooming in too much in editing which is causing the photos to be fuzzy. On the other hand, some of you are not getting close enough to your subject
keep your composition simple, adding 3-4 objects into the composition just makes it cluttered and makes it difficult to determine the focal point.
If it is nice out, your best choice is to take your objects outside to shoot because the light is better
Remember your photos should be edited for cropping and lighting before posting to Flickr
When shooting: Go out and shoot your object from 3-5 different angles, or choose 3-4 different backgrounds for the shot. For 10 good shots, you should probably be out shooting 30-40 shots. Take your time, we are not in a rush to complete the assignment. Below are some examples of solid macros.
WATCH: Peter McKinnon video on a hack on how to get closer to shoot macros. Please note, getting super close is not expected. I am more interested in you taking decent close-up shots that are in focus. But feel free to experiment and give it a try, it just might turn out looking cool.
VIDEO on ideas of things to shoot at home. Show only up tp 5:30 min. The focus of this video is to show how important it is to take the time to set up your shots.
SHOW CLASS ON FRIDAY and other class next week. Then allow time for completing assignments and shooting Macros/Close-ups.
Macros/Close-up shots: For this assignment you are to get close up and see things from a different perspective. You need to look at the ordinary in an an extraordinary way. This might be an opportunity to try using manual focus so that you can be in control of the clarity of your shots. Lighting will be essential, shooting in natural outside light is best, but shooting in the light boxes will also work well. Setting up your shot will be important, so do not grab an object and shoot them all on the tables. Use the background cloths that are available and take the time to compose your shots. You should be aware that you are working with an 18-55 mm lens on the digital SLR cameras so the camera will only let you go 12-18 inches from your subject. Camera phones should work especially well for this assignment, but make sure your phones are set on the highest quality output.
Criteria: You are expected to complete 10 shots with a good variety of shots. I do not want to see 10 leaf and flowers shots.You must have a focal point, your photos must be in focus, have a clean background, use light appropriately and photos must be taken of interesting subject matter. You need to think about how you want to compose the shot. Try to get shots that are creative and different. You will EDIT in Photoshop or on a camera phone app. then post them up to Flickr in an album called MACROS. 10 SHOTS = 20 marks
Show Both Videos
Students can spend time outside or in the classroom taking photos. OBJECTS CAN BE TAKEN OUTSIDE, BUT PLEASE RETURN AND RESPECT THE ITEMS.