Assignment #1: Flickr organization: Create a Flickr account, make Ms. Chase a contact, create 2-3 other contacts, create a buddy icon ( photo of you), change your background photo on Flickr, grade 9 photo students from last year put old photos into a separate folder.
Make sure you have the Flickr App on your phone for fast and easy uploads. Join the Mark Isfeld Photo group. Make sure when you upload photos all your photos are public and your display name is your real name. Also make sure you have downloaded TEAMS and know how to use it. Marks: 10
Assignment #2: Head shots: You are to take 5 shots: Students should be taking and editing 5 head shots of 5 different people, then posting to Flickr in an album called head shots. Criteria: shots should be head and shoulders, a desirable photo of the individuals, clearly focused and cropped tight with a clean background. Marks 10
Assignment #3: Round, Red, your initials in objects, ridiculous. This assignment is set up to challenge your creativity. Criteria: Clean backgrounds, well composed shots using the elements of composition, in focus. Marks 10
Assignment #4: Photoshop Assignment #1: Full body shot on new background. Marks 10
Step 1: Take a photo of someone or have them take a photo of you save or upload to your L drive.
Step 2: Find a large size background on Google
Step 3: Bring in to Photoshop. You may want to make your photo a little smaller
Step 4: Use the quick selection tool (4th tool down in Photoshop) go around the outside of your photo, then go to EDIT CUT, open up background, then go to EDIT PASTE, EDIT TRANSFORM will help you scale your image and the first tool will help you move the image around.