1. Duplicity: On Flickr and on M:drive, under chase 2020/gr10 duplicity (20 marks)
2. Instagram response typed, handed in to Ms. Chase (10 marks)
3. Head swap or Portrait landscape: 1 shot on Flickr or handed in (10 marks)
4. Levitation shots: 2 shots on Flickr (10 marks)
5. Macros/Close up shots: 10 shots (20 marks)
6. Final Slideshow: Edited, best quality photos, 30 shots, 10 of these shots can be from assignments we have done in class.,the other 20 should be your choice but should be very high quality, edited and not similar to other shots and set to music. (50 marks)
7. Studio Skills; time on task, helping others, self-responsibility, best effort, creativity (10 marks)
Getting ready for your final slideshow
1. Create a folder on the l:drive or m:drive that says, final slideshow
2. Begin scanning through your photographs, to find your good quality photos and copy/paste them into the slideshow folder.
3. Edit these photos: mostly crop and lighting editing
4. Find a song that you want to use for the slideshow, it needs to be an mp3 ( go to You tube, and then drop the song into a you tube to mp3 converter.) then save on your l:drive under my music
5. Go out and take photos for the slideshow or take the camera home to get a better variety of photos.
6. Begin putting your photos into the slideshow program Photo story, or use i movie if you have it on your laptop or home computer.
7. Make sure you take the time to customize the motions on Photostory