Thursday, January 25, 2018

Welcome to Intro Photo 10

Introduction: In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. As your teacher, I am not an expert in all technical aspects of Photography. There is much to know in this field and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, we can learn much from each other.

Requirements for success in this course:
  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own SD card /charger cables if you are using your phone which you bring to class on a regular basis
  • a willingness to take a school camera home occasionally or use your family's camera on the weekend
  • to use your class time effectively
  • be a good model for your peers

BASICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Use this link as a reference

Flickr organization: Create a Flickr account, make Ms Chase a contact, create a buddy icon, change your background photo on Flickr, grade 9 last year put old photos into a separate folder, join the Mark Isfeld Photo group, find two followers other than Ms Chase. (10 marks)

Assignment #1: Take 3 head shots of 3 different people, plus have one taken of yourself for a buddy icon on Flickr. Edit these photos and post to Flickr in an album entitled Head shots. Criteria: make sure photos are clear, have clean backgrounds, and are well lit and a nice looking photo of the person 
(10 marks)

 Photo  Assignment #2: We are coming in strong with a 14 day photo challenge. If you have difficulty, feel free to swap out one theme  shot for another, but please do not do this more than twice. The intent for this assignment is to do a new shoot, not to recycle old photos. I want you to challenge yourself. Photos should be edited , labeled and then uploaded to Flickr in an album entitled Assignment #2 Marks 25. A  slideshow will also be created and shown to the class. Marks 10 for an on time presentation in class.

The following links will help with this assignment.

All you need to know about COMPOSITION, but were afraid to ask

20 Compsitional Elements

1. reflection portrait-2
2. blk and white -3
3. texture-2
4. high angle-2
5. low angle-2
6. silhouette-1
7. shadow-1
8. water -3
9. pattern -1
10. food/drink- 2
11. graffiti -3
12. fill the frame -2
13. rule of thirds -1
BONUS: other ( 1 mark)

Criteria: I would like experienced students to attempt manual focus, crisp shots, varying angles, thought put into backgrounds and framing. New students try to shoot using your rules of composition. Make sure your photos are labeled