Introduction: In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. As your teacher, I am not an expert in all technical aspects of Photography. There is much to know in this field and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, I think we have a lot to learn from one another.
Requirements for success in this course:
- a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
- your own 4-8gb sd card which you bring to class everyday
- a willingness to take a camera home or use your family's camera on the weekend
- to use your class time effectively
- be a good model for your peers
This assignment should be posted to Flickr, it should also be compiled into a slideshow set to music for presentation. The assignment is worth 25 marks and the slideshow is worth 10 marks.
DUE: Thur MAR 3. in class presentation
1. reflection portrait-1
2. blk and white -3
3. texture-2
4. high angle-1
5. low angle-1
6. silhouette-1
7. shadow-1
8. water -3
9. pattern -3
10. food/drink-2
11. graffiti -2
12. fill the frame -1
13. extreme close-up face -2
14. night -2
15. 2 head shots
Flickr organization: Make Ms Chase a contact, create a buddy icon, put old photos into a separate folder, join and post 3 pics to Isfeld Photo, find two followers other than Ms Chase, join one other photo group.(10 marks)
link to composition
New to Photography Students Assignment #1:
1. Create a Flickr account, create abuddy icon, make Ms Chase a contact, join the Isfeld Photo group (10 marks)
2. Review the Basics of Photography site
3. Take 3 head shots of 3 different people, plus have one taken of yourself for a buddy icon on Flickr. Post your head shots to Flickr.
4. Elements of composition, choose 5 elements and shoot an example of each ( example: leading lines, fill the frame, cropping, focal point, rule of thirds, use of angles, framing the shot etc.)
5. Shoot 2 high shots and 2 low shots, and 3 choice shots..anything you want ( 15 marks)
6. Complete a photo story set to music ( need to use you tube to mp3 conversion for music)
(10 marks)
Criteria: I would like experienced students to attempt manual focus, crisp shots, varying angles, thought put into backgrounds and framing. New students try to shoot using your rules of composition.