Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welcome Back!

This year, Mr.Green will be taking over the Photo 10 classes. Many of the the assignments will be the same as they were in past years. Students will continue to develop their skills in Photoshop, basic composition, and specialty techniques like light photography. Mr. Green has a good skill set when it comes to Photoshop, and as always we learn as a group. When someone learns how to do something in Photoshop, they are expected to share their knowledge with the group.

Hopefully, you were all out taking amazing photos this summer. For those of you who have taken Photo 9 please take some time to update your Flickr. You will need to make Mr. Green a contact, change the date on your account to F102016, and make sure you put all of your old photos into a set. For those of you who are new to Photo 10 you will need to set up a Flickr account. You will need to record your password in a place you can retrieve it, create a buddy icon, your user name should be your real name and include F102016, and make Mr. Green a contact. Hope you have a fantastic semester.

YOU WILL NEED TO GET AN SD CARD FOR NEXT WEEK. IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF THE COURSE. ( kinda like your notebook). With so many Photo classes this year, cards will not be given to students to use each class. If you do not have a card, you will not be able to take photos. Cards will be available to purchase from the school for $12.

Monday, May 9, 2016

All term 4 work

Portraits: 15 shots taken of one or two models.Focus on posing and clean and interesting backgrounds. On Flickr Fri. June17. marks 30.
Light Photos: 8 shots playing with light. On Flickr by Fri June 17. marks 20.
Overlays: 2 DIFFERENT OVERLAYS where you take 2 or more different photos and put them together in photoshop to create a new piece. At least one photo must be your own. On Flickr Fri. June 17. marks 20
Slideshow set to music: 40 shots, 10 of which can be from ASSIGNMENT PHOTOS or taken previously to this class. All photos should be edited and be the best photos you have taken. They should be organized with thought and set to music. You should have your first and last name on your first slide. Student who took grade 9 photo can choose to shot moving video, but should speak to Ms Chase first. 10 marks will be given for presenting this slideshow.Assignment is due:Fri. June 10, Presentation dates:Mon June 13 and Wed. June 15 in class. Please put video on mdrive/chase1/ Eor F Block folders.

ONGOING: put reflection shots, wow photos, 250 photos, or year end slideshow photos in folders on the m:drive under chase 1.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Portraits: You are to choose one model who you will work with to create a spectacular collection of shots. You can choose your location,special clothing or costumes or even try to theme your shoot. A combination of close up, and full body shots is expected. The photos should be flattering and professional looking. All photos should include basic editing ( cropping and lighting). 15 shots.

Check out the Advanced Photo Blog at this link for info on posing.
Info on posing your model

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Light Photography

In this photo assignment, your task is to play with light. You do not need to take any specific shots but rather 8 shots that showcase some experimentation with light photography. I am including a few links to articles and videos for you to read. As well, I will post the basic manual settings to work with light photography. shots 8

Settings: In manual mode
ISO: 100 or the lowest you can get
Exposure between 13-30 sec.
Aperture: start at F11

article on how to shoot light trails
how to light photography
bulb mode
video how to

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Duplicity Shot: (20 marks) ( to be resized to 8x10 and printed out as well as posted onto Flickr in an album ) Students should use a tripod or monopod to shoot an individual in an interesting background in 4 different positions. All the photos should be shot on the same day at the same time and edited the same way. Then the photos will be edited in Photoshop using layers creating one final photo with all four pictures in it. You will create layers and position each photo into a new layer. When you are ready to print out see Ms. Chase first. NOTE: i have taught how to do this in class, but I am happy to walk students through this process again when they have their photos ready to put into Photoshop.

Macros: ( 10 shots...5 colour ,5 black and white). (Marks 20) Students are to take 5 black and white macros and 5 colour macros. All of the elements of composition should be considered. The photos should be edited  and uploaded to Flickr and put into an album entitled MACROS. Make sure your backgrounds are clean.

As always go out and find cool shots for your year end slideshow. - ongoing

Friday, March 4, 2016

ms chase is away today...sorry

Please feel free to use this extra time to get  done your slideshow. If finished you can move onto the following assignment. Read the following link and type up a half page response to the article. Focus on  what you might already know about copyright. Do you think what the artist is doing is ok....wrong...moral...ethical. What does this say about him as an  artist?

instagram art

Monday, February 29, 2016

Week of March 1

Students should use their class time to finish up the assignment, and put the photos into a slideshow set to music. There will be a bit of time to work on this assignment on Thurs. But at the end of the day on Thurs. All slideshows should be on the blue drive under Grade102016.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week of Feb. 9

Your slideshow presentation for your first assignment is due Thurs. March 2.

 shadow: photo aysia

  silhouette photo: mai


texture: natasha

Friday, January 29, 2016

Welcome to 2016 Semester 2 Intro Photography

Photo Basics

Introduction: In this class you will learn much about how to see from a different perspective, how to improve your ability to take photos and how to edit photos in Photoshop. As your teacher, I am not an expert in all technical aspects of Photography. There is much to know in this field and I am a learner as much as a teacher. In fact, I think we have a lot to learn from one another.

Requirements for success in this course:
  • a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and push beyond the level you are at
  • your own 4-8gb sd card which you bring to class everyday
  • a willingness to take a camera home or use your family's camera on the weekend
  • to use your class time effectively
  • be a good model for your peers
Experienced Photo Students Assignment #1: We are coming in strong with a 14 day photo challenge. If you have difficulty, feel free to swap out one theme for another, but please do not do this more than twice. The intent for this assignment is to do a new shoot, not to recycle old photos. I want you to challenge yourself.

This assignment should be posted to Flickr, it should also be compiled into a slideshow set to music for presentation. The assignment is worth 25 marks and the slideshow is worth 10 marks.

DUE: Thur MAR 3. in class presentation

1. reflection portrait-1
2. blk and white -3
3. texture-2
4. high angle-1
5. low angle-1
6. silhouette-1
7. shadow-1
8. water -3
9. pattern -3
10. food/drink-2
11. graffiti -2
12. fill the frame -1
13. extreme close-up face -2
14. night -2
15. 2 head shots

Flickr organization: Make Ms Chase a contact, create a buddy icon, put old photos into a separate folder, join and post 3 pics to Isfeld Photo, find two followers other than Ms Chase, join one other photo group.(10 marks)

link to composition

New to Photography Students Assignment #1

1. Create a Flickr account, create abuddy icon, make Ms Chase a contact, join the Isfeld Photo group (10 marks)
2. Review the Basics of Photography site 
3. Take 3 head shots of 3 different people, plus have one taken of yourself for a buddy icon on Flickr. Post your head shots to Flickr.
4. Elements of composition, choose 5 elements and shoot an example of each ( example: leading lines, fill the frame, cropping, focal point, rule of thirds, use of angles, framing the shot etc.)
5. Shoot 2 high shots and 2 low shots, and  3 choice shots..anything you want ( 15 marks)

6. Complete a photo story set to music ( need to use you tube to mp3 conversion for music) 
(10 marks)

Criteria: I would like experienced students to attempt manual focus, crisp shots, varying angles, thought put into backgrounds and framing. New students try to shoot using your rules of composition.