The following assignments are for term 3:
Macros: These should be close up shots looking at things from a different point of view. Remember to be aware of backgrounds and elements of composition. Try to find objects that are interesting to look at.
SHOTS: 10 ( marks 20)
Portraits: You should be trying to get 5 photos of a girl model and 5 photos of a guy model. The focus should be on getting a good collection of photos which are flattering to each individual. Think about putting them in an environment that makes them feel comfortable.Again be aware of backgrounds and the environment you have chosen to shoot in. Make sure you have good lighting.
The things that need to be considered when shooting portraits include:
- be aware of your background, it should not overpower your model and it should not be cluttered.
- you may want to have your model choose a certain style of clothing for the shoot
- you may want to bring props such as a hat, scarf, skateboard, balloons or umbrella
- choose a location or a variety of locations to shoot your subject
- encourage your model to feel comfortable and do what comes natural to them
- DO NOT SHOW YOUR MODEL EACH SHOT..this wastes time, tell them they can have a look when the shoot has been completed
- get a variety of shots using different distance ranges
- use natural light, avoid harsh sun
- see the advanced Photography site for links and video on how to take good macros
SHOTS 10 ( marks 20)
Spot Colour: Take 5 new shots or use 5 shots that you have already taken but not used for another assignment and find an interesting place to add spot colour. Probably the easiest program to do this in is Pic Monkey.
SHOTS 5 (marks 10)
Conceptual Shots: ( This will be your last official assignment besides the final slideshow)
NEW Conceptual shots: 3 photos of a conceptual word. In this assignment, you are working as a conceptual photographer taking a word and then transforming it into a photo. For example if the word is joy, then you would try to come up with a photo which represents this idea.
Go to Getty images or Evolve images in Google and type in a conceptual word and get some ideas by viewing what kind of photos are connected to this word. (marks 15)
All three photos do not have to be of the same conceptual word. You need to write the name of the word under the photo and a brief description as to why you chose it.Here are some samples word ideas: joy, love, surprise, death, end, beauty, peace, balance, creativity, fun, excitement, weathered, old, decay, freedom etc. Start with the research part of this assignment...trying to figure out what concept you want to go with to get the shot.