Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Camera Functions

Check out the following link about the functions on a dslr camera. At the bottom of this link there are links to the function buttons on the top and back of a camera as well. We will have a quiz on this info next week so make sure you look over this information.

Camera Features

Monday, November 17, 2014

New Assignments term #2

Overlay #1: (5 marks) Using Pixlr Express, put two photos together, preferably a texture shot and a head shot, but any two photos will be OK. The focus of the assignment is to learn the basic skill of overlay and to create a new artistic style of photo. Try different overlays to find the best looking new photo. Use the opacity button to fade the two photos together. ( Practice)

Overlay #2: (5 marks) Using Photoshop, create a new photo by putting two artistic photos together. This is the same assignment as above but with two different photos in a more advanced editing program. (Practice)

Overlay #3: (10 marks) This is an art piece. This assignment will require you to shoot two photos with the intent to create an overlay. In this case, you are not taking photos you have already taken but rather choosing to shoot two photos with the intent to create an overlay.( Good Quality Artistic piece expected)

See sample photo of Amelia C by Mai Nguyen

Duplicity Shot: (20 marks) ( to be resized to 8x10 and printed out as well as posted onto Flickr in an album ) Students should use a tripod or monopod to shoot an individual in an interesting background in 4 different positions. All the photos should be shot on the same day at the same time and edited the same way. Then the photos will be edited in Photoshop using layers creating one final photo with all four pictures in it. You will create layers and position each photo into a new layer. When you are ready to print out see Ms. Chase first. NOTE: i have taught how to do this in class, but I am happy to walk students through this process again when they have their photos ready to put into Photoshop.

Photo by Keisja Cox

Photo  by Jean Marc Poirer

Slideshow: (50 marks) Continue working on creating 50 of your best shots in a slideshow set to music. Only 10 assignment shots or shots prior to this class can be used.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Update of Assignments for Term #1

Photo Assignment #1: 3 head shots plus one of yourself 10 marks
Photo Assignment #2:  5 texture shots, make sure they are shot head on 10 marks
Photo Assignment #3:  5 interesting shots to you...can be anything at all 10 marks
Photo Assignment #4: 10 Macro shots, 5 black and white and 5 colour. These are up close shots of interesting objects or subject matter. 20 marks
Photo Assignment #5: 5 Spot colour shots. For this assignment you take an interesting shot then you turn the photo into black and white and the find a coloured area you want to highlight. For this assignment it is easiest to use Pixlr or Pic Monkey. 10 marks
Written Assignment #1: Rule of Thirds 5 marks
Written Assignmnet #2 Composition 10 marks
Work habits 10 marks
Flicker set up: Includes buddy icon, connecting with Ms Chase, creating your photos in albums, joining and posting 3 photos to the Isfeld Photo Group. 15 marks

All work should be posted to Flickr and put into albums.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Macro Assignment

Assignment #4 : Students are to take 5 Black and White macros and 5 colour macros. All of the elements of composition should be considered. The photos should be edited  and uploaded to Flickr and put into an album entitled MACROS. (Marks 20)

Please refer to the Isfeld Advanced Photo site for articles and information on how to take good macro shots.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Elements of Composition

Read the articles and summarize the main points.Hand in for a mark out of 10.
composition #2

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Oct.3

How to Upload Photos

1. Get card reader, plug into USB port on computer, put card into sd slot on card reader.
2. Allow some time for the info on the card to connect with the computer
3. Prompt will come up. copy pics to a folder on my computer, select the photos you want to upload by clicking on the boxes
4. click NEXT, it will ask what  name you want on your photos, then it will ask where you want to place these photos, click Browse, go to my computer, find your L drive, click on your Photo 10 folder then go to the unedited folder and click NEXT...your photos will begin to upload
5. You can then go to your Photo 9 folder and look at them

At this point we will only be doing minimal editing including cropping and lightning photos.
You can check out these editing programs or try Photoshop on the school computers.

Link to Pixlr
Link to pic Monkey
Link to Lunapic
http:Link to Ribbet ( like Photoshop)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome to Intro Photo

Assignment #1: 5 texture shots, shot head on or top down....shots should fill the frame, be in focus, and be cropped and edited for lighting. (10 marks)

Assignment #2: 3 head shots of partners and 1 of yourself. Make sure you are close enough and have created a flattering photo of your partners.(5 marks)

Assignment #3: 5 interesting shots to you... in focus, make sure you have a focal point and are using elements of good composition. (10 marks)

All photos should be uploaded to Flickr and put in a set or album by the assignment title. This can be done after you have edited your photos.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Slideshows Due on the Blue Drive Thurs.June 12 at end of day

Your slideshow should be on Ms Chase's drive by the end of the day on THURSDAY JUNE 12. If your slideshow is not ready it will not be marked. You would be better off handing in an incomplete slideshow than none at all. Also, all assignment shots need to be on Flickr by the end of the day on Friday June 13 in sets. I will be marking everything on the weekend.


Steps on saving to Blue Drive

  • plug in blue drive to usb port on computer, go through my computer not the other ways of opening the drive, you should look for MY PASSPORT, click on and open, find the folder entitled sem2 grade10slideshows2014 ( the file name is close to this), minimize this file.
  • Next go to my videos on your computer on your l drive, find your video ( which should have been configured to a wmv file through the Photostory program. Right click COPY, open the file on the blue drive and the edit PASTE. 
  • You should see Savanna's and Maddi's slideshows as well as other student's slideshows in this file, click on your slideshow to make sure it opens and works.
  • Before removing the drive, press the small arrow button on the bottom and eject drive safely, then pull from the computer and pass on.
As a last result for anyone doing the slideshow in another program and having difficulty saving it, you can try to save it on Flickr, or bring me in your file on a separate jump drive.

If you are doing your slideshow on another program, it is your responsibility to make sure it works properly on our computers at school. Do not leave this to the last minute, bring it in a day or two before it is due to make sure it works properly!

All assignment photos should be organized on Flickr and in sets. Failure to have photos organized properly will result in a lower grade.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Year end Photo Slideshow

Year end Photo Slideshow Expectations

The slideshow needs to have 50 shots, and these shots should be a compilation of your absolute best work. The slideshow should not include more than 10 shots taken before this class or as class assignments. This means, I DO NOT want to see a slideshow that is made up of all your class assignments. You are expected to go out and shoot new shots.

Criteria for Marking
  • All shots are clear not blurry
  • There is a variety of different shots showing depth of skills
  • Photos have good compositional qualities as does the slideshow
  • All shots are sized properly, so they are not pixelated in the slideshow program
  • Photos are cropped/edited appropriately
  • Music chosen is appropriate (avoid swear words and derogatory terms) and fits with the photos
  • Transitions are matched to the music
  • The slideshow shows evidence of flow and progression of shots
  • Evidence of time and effort spent on this project
  • WOW factor: Which is a combination of great photography and great choreography of slideshow

Update on term 3 Assignments

The following assignments are for term 3:

Macros: These should be close up shots looking at things from a different point of view. Remember to be aware of backgrounds and elements of composition. Try to find objects that are interesting  to look at.
SHOTS: 10 ( marks 20)

Portraits: You should be trying to get 5 photos of a girl model and 5 photos of a guy model. The focus should be on getting a good collection of photos which are flattering to each individual. Think about putting them in an environment that makes them feel comfortable.Again be aware of backgrounds and the environment you have chosen to shoot in. Make sure you have good lighting.
The things that need to be considered when shooting portraits include:
  • be aware of your background, it should not overpower your model and it should not be cluttered.
  • you may want to have your model choose a certain style of clothing for the shoot
  • you may want to bring props such as a hat, scarf, skateboard, balloons or umbrella
  • choose a location or a variety of locations to shoot your subject
  • encourage your model to feel comfortable and do what comes natural to them
  • DO NOT SHOW YOUR MODEL EACH SHOT..this wastes time, tell them they can have a look when the shoot has been completed
  • get a variety of shots using different distance ranges
  • use natural light, avoid harsh sun
  • see the advanced Photography site for links and video on how to take good macros
SHOTS 10 ( marks 20)

Spot Colour: Take 5 new shots or use 5 shots that you have already taken but not used for another assignment and find an interesting place to add spot colour. Probably the easiest program to do this in is Pic Monkey.
SHOTS 5 (marks 10)

Conceptual Shots: ( This will be your last official assignment besides the final slideshow)
NEW Conceptual shots: 3 photos of a conceptual word. In this assignment, you are working as a conceptual photographer taking a word and then transforming it into a photo. For example if the word is joy, then you would try to come up with a photo which represents this idea. 

Go to Getty images or Evolve images in Google and type in a conceptual word and get some ideas by viewing what kind of photos are connected to this word. (marks 15)
All three photos do not have to be of the same conceptual word. You need to write the name of the word under the photo and a brief description as to why  you chose it.Here are some samples word ideas: joy, love, surprise, death, end, beauty, peace, balance, creativity, fun, excitement, weathered, old, decay, freedom etc. Start with the research part of this assignment...trying to figure out what concept you want to go with to get the shot.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

i phoneography

Since a number of you have cell phones, I thought it might be interesting for you to read up on some
i phoneography tips. Now when you have a look at this link, you will notice that a lot of basic photography rules apply to camera phones as well. This suggests that once you understand the basics of composition and begin to see differently...the type of camera you have is less important.

Link to i phoneography

Also since we are shooting angles, I have an article which you might want to review before you go out to shoot. Link to angle assignment

Take the time to join the Mark Isfeld Photography group on Flickr and post some of your good photos!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The following is a list of assignments required for term 3. The absolute deadline is Thurs. April. 17. no exceptions. All assignments need to be in sets on Flickr.

1. Flickr set-up/buddy icon/contact chase
2. Object shots: 6 shots
3. Head shots that are flattering: 3 shots
4. Snow shots or Alternative : 5 shots
5. Head swap ( this was printed off and handed in to me)
6. Duplicity: 4 shots into 1shot
7. Overlay : 1 shot
8. Skate park: 8 shots, focus on angles

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Overlay and Duplicity

New Assignment: Overlay of two photos, using Pixlr
New Assignment: Dulicity: Take 4 shots of a person in different positions using the same background, using Photoshop put them into an interesting composition

Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Assignment: Snow

Well we have a lot of the white stuff, and hopefully you have been out enjoying it. Better get these shots before the snow is gone. The assignments requires you to shoot 5 shots with the focus SNOW. Feel free to set up your own shot. This might mean putting an object into the snow, making snow angels, taking a pic of someone in the snow etc.

Assignment #3 Criteria: 5 shots, creatively composed, solid focal point,rule of thirds, good use of angles

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Feb 20

Note to Ms. Beckett: Along with the camera, please make sure you monitor the feathers and action figures( you may want to have the students sign out and sign back in with you, all other stuff is ok) Feathers belong to me. Thanks

Students: Your first assignment should be near completion.

Assignment #1: 3 flattering ( meaning they look good and are not goofy) head shots of 3 different people, 1 headshot of yourself. All of these photos should be edited and put into a set on Flickr.
Your headshot of yourself should also be put up as your buddy icon on Flickr.

Check to make sure you have the following done:

  • buddy icon on Flickr
  • make Ms. Chase a contact ( go under search lisa chase then click on flickr members...i have a sunflower icon)
  • make sure your screen name is your real name and has (W2014) after your name
  • You must have your own card by the beginning of next week or you will not be able to take photos.
Assignment #2:  6 shots of an object, try not to take all six of the same object, edit your photos and then post them to Flickr in a set. Use the following criteria while shooting.
  • all shots are clear and focused
  • shots have a focal point
  • fill your frame
  • be aware of angles
If you have completed this assignment go out and shoot...the more you shoot the better you will get. We will be moving onto a new assignment next day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome to Semester #2 Intro to Photography

Hopefully you are super excited to be taking Photography and this is a class you wanted. I am not here today but there is a lot of things you need to get through.


Rule of thirds

Camera Modes

Ms Chase's Flickr

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All of the Assignments for term 2

The following assignments are all due by Fri. Jan 24
  • Portraits 10 ( 5 girls & 5 guys if possible ) = marks 20
  • Conceptual shots 3 shots this assignment was assigned in term 1= marks15
  • Collage one final shot comprised of 9 others = marks 20
  • 3 light shots experimental = 15 marks
  • 1 Glacier shot = 10 marks
  • motivational poster =5 marks
  • work habits = 15
Note: All work needs to be on Flickr in a set for each  assignment, work not in sets will not be marked!
Total = 100 marks

Slideshow: to be presented to the class the week of Jan. 20-24

Motivational Poster Generator

Criteria: The following is the criteria for your year end slideshow
  • 50 of your best shots
  • set to music that works
  • between 15-20 assignmnets shots or shots taken previously to the class
  • sequenced well
  • variety of shots
  • strong beginning, middle, and end.
  • NAME on first slide.
Check out light photography: Light Photography ideas
For the settings to do light photo shots go to Isfeld Advanced Photo

Inspirational ideas for shooting for your slideshow
  • focus on a colour and go out and find objects that fit into that colour (check out colour groups on Flickr) You may even want to do some editing of spot colour
  • Check out RED
  • shoot antique objects, I find old things just interesting to look at so they would make great photos
  • Check out ANTIQUES
  • shoot what you love, if you love soccer or dance or skateboarding, spend some time shooting what you know
  • If you enjoy photoshop work, try checking out some trick photography lessons on you tube...have fun!
  • Check out LEVITATION photos
  • check out pinterest photography site for inspiring ideas
  • choose a favourite object and shoot it from a variety of angles
  • try finding letters in basic objects
  • Check out ALPHABET PICS