Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday Feb 21: Assignments to date

The following are your assignments to date

Head shots: 4 shots total: 2 original, 2 edited
Still Life: 2 moon shell, 2 flowers, 4 others
Circles: 10 Get creative and use your knowledge of backgrounds, and angles to get some good shots.
Conceptual: 3 (See assignment description below)

Glacier shots: 2 ( I realiz the weather has not been good...keep trying to get a great still have lots of time.

NEW Conceptual shots: 3 photos of a conceptual word. In this assignment, you are working as a conceptual photographer taking a word and then transforming it into a photo. For example if the word is joy, then you would try to come up with a photo which represents this idea. 

Go to getty images or Evolve images in Google and type in a conceptual word and get some ideas by viewing what kind of photos are connected to this word. (marks 15)
All three photos do not have to be of the same conceptual word. You need to write the name of the word under the photo and a brief description as to why  you chose it.Here are some samples word ideas: joy, love, surprise, death, end, beauty, peace, balance, creativity, fun, excitement, weathered, old, decay, freedom etc. You are not expected to complete all of these shots today....but you might start the research part of this assignment...trying to figure out what concept you want to go with to get the shot.

Isolation: The concept for this photo might be isolation because the flower is all by itself with the rocks.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Assignments: Thurs. Feb 14/2013

I am away today, and I expect solid on task behaviour from all students especially while you are out taking photos around the school. All students should be back at least 15 minutes prior to the end of class. You should be giving yourselves enough time to upload and organize photos on your L drive. The only shots that should be loaded onto Flickr are your head shots.

  • Head shots:  2 shots that you have taken of someone, these are both head and shoulder shots. The shots can be of two different people. These shots should be flattering shots of the individual. Try to capture an essence of the individual in the shots. You are to save the originals on your L Drive under Photography in a sub folder entitled head shots. Next you will use the photo editor Pixlr of which I will include a link after this post to edit each head shot ( use a frame and an not go crazy in your efforts) Then you should post all 4 shots...your 2 originals and your 2 edited shots in a set on Flickr. Make sure your originals are between 50kb and 2 mb. Marks for this assignment 10
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ALL PURCHASE YOUR 2GB sd cards this weekend. It is essential that you have your own card for class. There will not be access to sd cards after next week. Also a reminder that you MUST use your real name on Flickr (this means you Roy!) and include w2013 afterwards in brackets. Please make sure you have connected with me as a contact on Flickr.

  • Still Life: 8 photos in total all compiled into one set on Flickr. Photos should consist of the following:
  • 2 Moon snail shell shots, photos edited into black and white
  • 2 Flower shots, edited for spot colour
  • 4 other still life shots (student choice) Marks 20
Try to mix up your angles and make sure you are getting clear photos and using the compositional elements you have learned so far.

Circles: 10 shots of objects that  are circles or have part of the shot has a circle in it ( you do want your circle to be the focal point.) 
Criteria: clean backgrounds, focal point is the circle, think creatively so photos reflect this, in focus, a variety of shots, keep in mind all of the compositional elements we have learned so far. You may do some editing, but do not overdo with filters, I want to be able to see that you know how to shoot a good photo. Marks 20

Glacier shots 2 shots Marks 10

Link to Pixlr

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to Intro Photo Semester 2

Welcome back to a fun filled year of photography. For some of you, this will be your second time through, and for others this is your first experience working with me. This will be a great fact I am dubbing it "the year of photography." This site is the place for you to keep track of all of the assignments. Many sample assignments will be posted as well as links to other sites.

If you have access to a camera, even if it is only on weekends this would be helpful. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN 2gb photo sd card.

1. You need to sign up on Flickr and your user name should be your real name followed by (w2013).
You should look for me lisa chase (Courtenay) under contact search and then make me a contact.

2. Under your L:drive in documents, could you please create a folder entitled Photography. Do not save your work in my pictures. Keep all of your photos organized in folders.

3. Rule of thirds: Could you google this rule and then read about it. We will discuss this concept near the end of class.