Wednesday, November 2, 2011

That's it folks!

The term ends on Monday and we will continue watching student's videos of their best work. I must say the work has been impressive for the very short time students had to complete their photography. I was especially impressed with spot colours and angle shots. Final reports for Photo 9 will be handed out in class on Monday. I hope those of you enjoyed the class will consider taking it again next year. Stay posted, if you check back, I will be posting some of my favourite shots soon.

Kudos: A special thanks to Damon S. who has helped a number of students get the music on their slideshows and has also helped out in a technical capacity in many areas throughout the term! Thanks Damon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spot colour

I have been asked clarification on the spot colour assignment. Here is some further clarification.

Step 1 : take a photo with the knowledge that you will be focusing on one colour in the shot
Step 2: bring the photo inot Flickr or Photoshop and turn into black and white
Step 3: using the picnic program (tinting a photo) add spot colour to one spot in the photo

Example: turn the apple red, while the rest of the photo remins black and white

Photo: Ben Ruston
Note: only the soles have been coloured yellow while the rest of the photo remains black and white.
Photo by: Nick Antaya

Saturday, October 22, 2011

There are only two weeks left of the term

This term has flown by very, very fast. As a result I have had to chop some assignments out of this course.

I am expecting to mark ONLY the following and it must all be organized and on Flickr by the end of this week:

10 skatepark shots-20 marks
10 Macros-20 marks
10 Focal colour which should include editing on Picnic-20 marks
1 edited photo using a photoshop filter- 5 marks
test- 20 marks
Slideshow-20 of your best photos put together in a slideshow and set to music (note: this assignment has been reduced down from 30 shots) There will be no motion blur shots to be marked unless they show up in your slideshow. Slideshows should be put onto MS. Chase's pink drive for marking by Mon Oct. 31 in class.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Assignment Outlines

Assignment #1: Skatepark Photos focus on angles
Shots: 10

Assignment #2: Macros/Close ups focus on getting in tight and keeping a solid focal point
Shots: 10

Assignment #3: Focal Colour. Take 10 photos with a focus on a particular colour. Put them into black and white in Photoshop and then add spot colour through picnic on Flickr.
Shots: 10

Assignment #4: Take one of the photos you have and using one of the filters in Photoshop and enhance it. Post your newly enhanced photo onto Flickr into a folder called Filter pic.
Shots: 1 edited

Preparing for the Test (Test will be on Friday Oct. 14)

You will need to know the following:
  • camera modes
  • elements of composition
  • how to detect good photos from bad photos
  • How to crop, turn to blk and white and resize photos in Photoshop
Utilize the following links to study for this test.


Camera modes

Focal Point

Assignment #5:  Motion Blur. In this assignment you are purposely trying to blur your shots to create movement effect. Think about what your subject matter will be before taking the shot. See examples posted below.
Bradie Gallioux
Alex Bowman

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Ms. Chase's Photography 9 Class

This is the third year for this course, however this year things are a little different. The grade 9 course is only one term in length and will be taught by Ms. Chase. Mr. Green will be teaching the Intro to Photography courses. In the past, this blog had been set up for grade 9 and 10. Students will benefit from searching out some great resources on this site. All class requirements, assignments, criteria and sample work will be posted here regularly. Stay posted for the course outline and expectations for the term.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ALL TERM 4 assignmnets are due Fri. June 10

Term 4 Assignment shots: All shots to be in sets on FLICKR by Friday June 10 at the latest!

Portraits: 10 shots
Pet portrait:1-2 shots
Motion Blur: 2 shots
Sign of the Times: 1 shot, plus a description explaining why you chose this shot
Object shots: 10 shots
Gummy Bears: 5 shots
Light photography: 5 shots BONUS

Slideshow: 50 shots, set to music

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gummy Bear shots and contest

This photo contest is also an assignment. You are to creatively photograph gummy bears/worms in close up mode. You are to take lots of shots and post your best 5 shots to flickr. You need to post your top 3 shots on the red hard drive. I will be judging the top three photos in all of my classes this term and the winners will receive prizes.

Criteria: I am looking for creative composition and storytelling. Beautifully clear shots and something that catches my attention. Have FUN!

Marks: 15

Photo by: Brigette Catell

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Term 4 Assignments

Congratulations photo students, many of you are improving in your ability to take photos. I was impressed by some of the spectacular shots you are taking. I would like to start posting some of these shots onto the blog so everyone can enjoy the quality of your work.

Yearend Photo Slideshow Expectations

The slideshow needs to have 50 shots, and these shots should be a compilation of your absolute best work. The slideshow should not include more than 10 shots taken before this class or as class assignments. This means, I DO NOT want to see a slideshow that is made up of all your class assignments. You are expected to go out and shoot new shots.

Criteria for Marking
  • All shots are clear not blurry
  • There is a variety of different shots showing depth of skills
  • Photos have good compositional qualities as does the slideshow
  • All shots are sized properly, so they are not pixelated in the slideshow program
  • Photos are cropped/edited appropriately
  • Music chosen is appropriate (avoid swear words and derogatory terms) and fits with the photos
  • Transitions are matched to the music
  • The slideshow shows evidence of flow and progression of shots
  • Evidence of time and effort spent on this project
  • WOW factor: Which is a combination of great photography and great choreography of slideshow

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ALL WORK NEEDED FOR TERM #3 deadline: April 9, 2011

Assignments Term 3

1. Skatepark shoot (10 shots): All shots should be taken in or around the skatepark. Five shots should be focused on angles and 5 shots should be focused on people. ON FLICKR 20 marks

2. Yearbook shots: Five shots focusing on gym, shops, grade 10/11's, rugby, assemblies, friend shots around the school, and intramurals. ON FLICKR 10 marks

3. Macro shots: 5 colour, 5 black and white. ON FLICKR 20 marks

4. Photoshop Magic Wand tool assignment (handed in ) 10 marks

5. Background Assignmnet (NEW): You are to shoot 5 different backgroud shots, focus on texture 5 shots. ON FLICKR 10 marks

6. Hands, Feet, Shoes (NEW) : 10 shots, be creative and try to artistically set up your shots. This means have your hands and feet holding something, or doing something, or try photographing old hands, baby hands etc. ON FLICKR (20 marks)


Please maake sure all of your photos are in sets on FLICKR and that you have included me as a contact!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to Semester 2 Photography 9/10

Digital Photo is now in its second year at Isfeld. We had a very successful year last year with students exceeding my expectations in the quality of photos that they were able to produce.
Introduction to Digital Photo: Students will be introduced to camera basics, how to compose shots, and the basics of photographic design. Much of the class time will be spent taking photos and working through creative assignments in order to help students become better photographers. Students will also learn the basics of photo editing (cropping, colour balancing, resizing and utilizing some of the many artistic tools in Photoshop CS4). The school has 2 (one was stolen recently) Nikon D40 digital SLR cameras and 5 Fugi waterproof point and shoot camera available for students to use. There is not a camera available for every student in the class, so if students have their own camera, it would be great if they could bring it to class.

This year’s course will focus on guiding students to use the camera in an artistic way.

Details of Photo 9/10:
Evaluation: The course will be evaluated based on the following:
Assignments: 70%
Portfolio: 20% ( Electronic slideshow)
Studio Skills: 10%
An SD flash card 2gb or higher ( will act as the student’s notebook for their photography, Please note student will not be allowed access to the school camera unless they have their own card)
• A Flash drive is recommended (2gb or higher)
• Fickr account (free): Students are expected to post all of their assignment photos online
• Having access to a camera on the weekends would be very helpful toward student success in this course

Monday, January 17, 2011

Please make sure your slideshows are ready to present

Students please make sure all slideshows are finished and ready to be shown this week.

The End of Term 2

All slideshows must be presented in class this week. If a student is away, it is their responsibility to present their slideshow to Ms. Chase by Mon. Jan 24 at 3:00 pm. Any work after this date will not be accepted. All assignments will be marked online on Flickr the weekend of Fri Jan 21.