Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Week of Sept 21, 2010

You have made it through your first photo shoot, congratulations. Could everyone make sure you get the following administrative stuff done this week:
  • make sure you are signed up on Flickr
  • make sure you have made me a contact (go to contact, search, lisa chase, sunflower icon)
  • change your buddy icon on flickr
  • change your screen name to have your name in it and 2010 ex: lchase(2010)
  • upload your partner photos and put into a set ( to put into a set go to organize and create)
  • upload your fruit photos and put into a set
  • work on NEW assignment for the week: Skatepark Angle shots (grade 9)
  • work on NEW assignment for the week: Hnads, feet and shoes (grade 10)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wed. Sept 15, 2010

Today we have a lot of work to get through. Intially, I would like to work through 10 Questions to think about before taking a shot, and spend some time reviewing/discussing this article with you. Next I would like to explain the concept of rule of thirds and have you find a photo that you think fits the criteria of rule of thirds. You will post this photo to Flickr and describe why it meets the rule. When you finish this, upload your interview photo to Flicker.

Rule of Thirds

Read the article rule of thirds and make sure you understand the concept.

10 Questions to ask yourself before taking a photo

Please connect to this link and read through this article.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Intro to Digital Photo 9/10 Fall 2010

Digital Photo is now in its second year at Isfeld. We had a very successful year last year with students exceeding my expectations in the quality of photos that they were able to produce.

Introduction to Digital Photo: Students will be introduced to camera basics, how to compose shots, and the basics of photographic design. Much of the class time will be spent taking photos and working through creative assignments in order to help students become better photographers. Students will also learn the basics of photo editing (cropping, colour balancing, resizing and utilizing some of the many artistic tools in Photoshop CS4). The school has 3 Nikon D40 digital SLR cameras and 5 Fugi waterproof point and shoot camera available for students to use. There is not a camera available for every student in the class, so if  students have their own camera, it would be great if they could bring it to class.

 This year’s course will not focus heavily on Photoshop but rather will focus on guiding students to use the camera in an artistic way. Next semester there is a more advance photography class offered at the 11/12 level which will focus on more advanced techniques. 

Details of Photo 9/10:
Evaluation: The course will be evaluated based on the following:
Assignments: 70%
Portfolio: 20% ( Electronic slideshow)
Studio Skills: 10%
• An SD flash card 2gb or higher ( will act as the student’s notebook for their photography, Please note student will not be allowed access to the school camera unless they have their own card)
• A Flash drive is recommended (2gb or higher)
• Fickr account (free): Students are expected to post all of their assignment photos online
• Having access to a camera on the weekends would be very helpful toward student success in this course