Friday, December 11, 2009

Update of Assignments/Kudos/Tips

It has been some time since I have posted onto the blog. I felt we were in need of an update. I have had the opportunity to view/mark many of the rain/water and glacier shots. Many of you have amazed me with your talent. I was pleased to see the shots you were able to get from the school of the glacier.
 I want to send some kudos out to students who I have noticed have been pushing the boundaries in a good way in class. First kudo goes to Alex Bowen who shot over 1000 photos between provincial volleyball and the grad fashion show, way to go you are on your way to becoming a pro. Alex has also been responsible for many of the slideshows that have been up in the hall. The next kudo goes to Alaia Fayard who has just published her first book on seaside creatures and includes all her own photos, congrats! Copies are $18.00 if you are interested and will be for sale in our local bookstores. Next kudos to Taylor Dueck who has independently taken the time to learn the art of light photography, and has produced some very interesting pieces. Briana Pierce has been pushing the boundaries everyday in learning new techniques in photoshop. She has created some interesting pieces and has been teaching me some new tricks. I continue to see many amazing shots using various angles, macro shots and being able to conceptualize some of the assignments. Increasingly, I look forward to our final photo book for the semester and your portfolio presentations.

To be marked before Xmas holidays:
So scary : 6 shots
Glacier Shot: 1 shot
Rain/water shots: 6 shots
Photo cards/magnet

To be marked first week back after the holidays:
Friends and family: 10 shots please crop your photos to take out background garbage
Make the common uncommon: 10 shots you may use 2 different objects

Up and Coming:

Electronic portfolio of your best 50 shots. This assignment needs to be presented in slideshow format in photostory and set to music. The expectation is that I will be seeing your absolute best photos , so choose wisely. Specific criteria for this assignment will be posted soon.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Assignments the Weeks of Nov. 15-30

Make the common uncommon: In this assignment you need to take a series of 10 or more shots in which you take a common item (1 item of your choice)  and make it the focus of a creative series of shots. Examples: a shoe, pencil, a skateboard,a tennis ball, a cell phone, toothbrush, eating utensils, books, ipod, a lock etc. Utilize your knowledge of angles, backgrounds, distance of shot ( vary the shots, do not take all close-ups)
Criteria: I will be using the composition of shots information as criteria for this assignment. SO READ THE ARTICLES BEFORE DOING THE ASSIGNMENT
Value: 20 marks

Photo by: Alex Bowen

Have a read on the composition of shots:
Creative Compositions: Finding Framing
5 Elements of Composition in Photography

Photo: L. Chase

Friends and Family Assignment: Take a minimum of 10 shots focusing on capturing the personality and essence of your friends and family. If you have no friends, go find some. Seriously though, take pics of anybody. Just be polite and ask to take their pic first. Refer to the info in the previous three articles on composition and framing. Photo Tip: Move up close to your subject, you will generally take a better photo of them. Have your camera settings set to head and shoulders. Look for natural light, or create some reflective light. Have fun! Criteria: use the elements from the previous three articles. Value: 20 marks

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A strong collection of student motion blur photos

Photo by: Nigel Ellsay

Photo by: Liam Richardson

Photo by Courtenay Cameron

Photo by: Bradie Gailloux

This is one of my favourite photos shot this year so far.
Photo by: Nigel Ellsay

Monday, November 9, 2009

Review tips on taking a good photo

Go to the following link at Kodak's site to review several tips on taking great photos. Apply this knowledge in your next set of photos.

Assignments the week of Nov. 1-7

This photo is a great example of a water shot. Photo by: Lisa Amos

Hello all. The assignments for this week include a Comox Valley Glacier shot, value 5 marks. That's it only one shot, but make it a good one. Try out the landscape feature on your cameras. The next assignment will take you outside to play in the rain.
You  are to take six (6) shots outside in the rain, value 10 marks.The Fuji cameras are best for this since they are waterproof. If you are taking the Nikons out into moderate rain (no downpours please)  make sure they are wrapped in a plastic bag. Get creative with a number of rain type shots.

Ideas for this might include: water droplet shots, umbrella or rubberboot shots,
reflective shots into water, water on an object. No blurry shots please, make sure you are using the proper settings on the camera. Vary your shots,and use your creativity. If you are out working in partners, do not copy each other's shots.
Check out the fog and rain group on Flickr.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Below is an updated list of all assignments : End of term is only two weeks away, which means report cards are rapidly approaching

The following assignments will be included on the November report card:

1. Rule of thirds: hand in (10)
2. Photographer's Assign: hand in (10)
3. Pet Photographer Assign.: hand in (10)
4. Crop Assign: hand in (10)
5. 10 Apple shots (20)
6. Portrait (one in colour, one in black and white) (10)
7. Reflective Portrait (10)
8. 6 Colour shots (20)
9. Your name shot separately in objects (20)
10. Pet portrait (10)
11. 2-3 shots motion blur (10)
12. Studio skills (20)
13. What I have learned so far/reflection (10)
14. Photos organized in sets on Flickr (10)
15. Make me a contact (5)

More student photos

Photo by: Emily Marsden

Check out these assignment photos

Photos by: Megan Lawrence

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Assignment the week of Oct. 26-30

Assignment #9: The new assignment for this week is "so scary". This assignment is meant to inspire you to get some thematic classic Halloween shots, however you can interpret the quote however you want. Feel free to take a pic of your sister's morning bed head, or your brother's long toenails, or a pic of Mr. Fussell when he is telling you to get out of the halls and back to class. This assignment could be interpreted literally or otherwise. I would like you to take 6 or more shots, choose your best to post to Flickr. Use Friday's dress up day as an opportunity, I am sure there will many scary creatures lurking the halls.

Criteria: Intelligent and creative interpretation of "so scary", clear focused shots, playing with angles and utilizing the other conventions of photography ( refer to your sheet on taking a good phtograph).
Value: 20 marks

This week, continue taking your own shots for portfolio. Happy shooting!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Motion Blur Assignment Oct 21

As we discussed in class, try out the technique of creating a few motion blur photos. You can create a blur to try to create a painterly effect or to create a straight colour blur. Have fun playing with this technique. If you get some good shots send them to me.

Criteria: Artisic look and feel of photo, not just blurry, but blurred to create an artistic effect.

Value: 10 marks

Friday, October 16, 2009

What to work on for Friday Oct. 16

I am away today and Mr. Titley is in for me. You should continue to work on the following:

1. Take pics for the following assignments : name in objects, colours, pet portrait and written pet photographer assignment.
2. Move your photos from your L Drive to Flickr
3. Organize your photos on Flickr into sets
4.Create a folder with your first name and last initial in our new photostorage folder on the desktop
5.Delete ALL photos on your L drive once photos have been transferred.
6.Through Google go to how to crop a photo in CS4 ( There are several very clear videos)
You can then work on beginning to edit your photos slightly ( do not over crop) either in Flickr via Picnik or bring your pics into Photoshop CS4 and try cropping through this program.
If you have the chance, at least open up Photoshop and have a look around.

The weather is not that great today NO NIKONS OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN PLEASE!!

Take some pics on the weekend if you have your own camera.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assignments for the Weeks of Oct. 5-16

Photo by: Alicia Higgins

Congratulations on a great first few weeks of photography. I see students expanding their creative thinking and pushing boundaries... in a good way! Reminder the Photographer Assignment is due, make sure you print out two photos or provide me with a link to a site if possible.

Weeks of Oct. 5-16

Assignment #4: Pet Portrait- Take a pic of your pet, or if you don't have a pet take one of a friend's pet or one that frequents your neighborhood. Get creative with angles, distance from your subject, rule of thirds or dress them up a bit. I have already seen a few great pet pics, keep shooting!
Criteria: In this assignment, I am looking for you to capture the true essence of your pet. Take them into an environment that lets them show their personality. Photo should be framed well, catch my attention, in focus,  and exhibit your pet's character.
Value: 10

Check out this article: How to Photograph Pets

Assignment #5 Written up and handed in: Google pet photographers and in your write up answer the following questions: What makes a good pet photographer? What skills beyond photography are important for a pet photographer? Find two great pet photos and hand in with this assignment, explain why you like the pics you chose.
Value: 10

Assignment #6: Colours - Head out and experiment with colour. You are attempting to get some interesting pictures of objects which will focus mainly on the colour of the objects. This should be an assignment where you focus on contrast in order to make your colour stand out. NO PHOTO RETOUCHING OF COLOUR IN EDITING PROGRAMS PLEASE. You are to take 6 good shots of 6 different colours ( you choose your favourites) Think about composing these shots, play with distance from your subject. This assignment may require you to use props.
Criteria: I am looking for contrast in the shot, the focal point should be the object in your chosen colour, minimal background interference, the colour should jump out at me.
Value: 20

Assignment #7: Your Name in Objects -  Using found or created objects, create the letters in your first name. Take a photo of each letter. The idea here is to put all of the letters together to make your name and then print it out. I would like to create an Isfeld Photo title to use on our bulletin board and on our blog banner.
Criteria: Photos should be clear, letters should be distinguishable, and you should get creative with your letters. Have fun!
Value: 20

Another reminder, you have an extra day for Thanksgiving, get outside and take some pics of family, friends,fall, or head to the beach.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yet Another Great Apple Pic

Photo by: Sadie Horner

Photo by : Emily Glowach

Photo by Emily Glowach
Photo by: Erin Hallier

Check out these student photos

Photo by: Erin Hallier

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Reminder to all Photo Students: Upload to Flickr delete off your L-Drive!

For most of you the week was quite productive. I have already seen some fantastic self portraits and some very creative apple shots. I will be posting a few up as soon as I can, so that those of you who have not started yet can get inspired by your fellow students creations. By the end of next week students should have their own sd cards since we will be deleting photos after every class. Students need to make sure you know how to upload onto your L drive and then onto Flickr. Remember to delete the photos from your L Drive so it doesn't get clogged up. I will also be posting up some shots from various photographers from the Terry Fox Run. Stay posted and enjoy a nice sunny weekend of great photo opportunities.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Assignments Week of Sept 21- Oct. 3

Photo Assignment #1 :  Self portrait. Take 2 self portrait pieces. This means you must take the picture of yourself. One will be in colour and one in black and white ( the second shot will be converted to black and white  during post editing).
Criteria : Capture the essence of you, play with angles, distance of the shot, be creative take some risks.
Value : 10 marks

Photo Assignment #2 : Self Reflection. You are to take an interesting photo of yourself reflecting into/onto something reflective; a spoon, bowl, car window, mirror etc. Play with angles, object choice, distance from your object. Remember to be aware of your light source. The more creative the better.
Criteria : Looking for you to have a focused reflection.
Value: 10 marks

Photo  Assignment #3: An Apple a Day... You are to take  10 photos of an apple in various settings. Use the principles of taking a good shot. ( Refer to the handout I gave you)
Criteria: Marking will be based on the principles of taking a good shot.
Value: 20 marks

Photo Assignment #4: Photographer of Choice. Do some research and exploration on a photographer of your choice (use the net to surf photos and find someone whose photos you enjoy) Print out two of the photographer's photos that you like and write a paragraph or more explaining what you like about the photos/photographer's style.
Criteria: Detailed account of why you like photos and a clear explanation of what it is about the photographer that has you captivated, assignment should be typed, photos are imported and printed out of a proper photo program ( no pixelated photos!)
Value: 10 marks

Friday, September 18, 2009

Digital Photo Course Outline

Teacher: Ms. Chase

Intro: Digital Photo is a new course to Isfeld this year. Students will be introduced to camera basics, how to compose shots, and the basics of photographic design. Much of the class time will be spent taking photos and working through creative assignments in order to help students become better photographers. Students will also learn the basics of photo editing (cropping, colour balancing, resizing and utilizing some of the many artistic tools.) This year’s course will not focus heavily on Photoshop but rather will focus on guiding students to use the camera in an artistic way. It is my hope that a more advanced course will be offered next year for students who have already taken this course.

Evaluation: The course will be evaluated based on the following:

Assignments: 70%
Portfolio: 20% ( Electronic slideshow or print copy)
Studio Skills: 10%

· An sd flash card 2gb or higher ( will act as the student’s notebook for their photography)
· A Flash drive is recommended (2gb or higher)
· Fickr account (free)
· Note: Having access to a camera on the weekends would be helpful.

Read the following introductory article: How to Hold a Digital Camera

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to Ms. Chase's 9-11 Photo Class

Hello Everyone: The purpose of this blog is to keep you all updated with assignments for the class. I will be picking up the cameras this weekend and it is my hope we will have our first photo assignment by the beginning of next week.
For any new students to the class, the following is a list of assignments completed so far.

1. Photo interview (We will be presenting these in class)

2. Handout on the top ten things to keep in mind while framing a shot
(should be kept in your notebook)

3. Rule of thirds assignment (handed in)

4. Create a Flickr account